Pedal-powered e-mail in the jungle 2 Bay Area visionaries head to
Laos with a tough little PC for villagers

Kevin Fagan, Chronicle Staff Writer Friday, January 17, 2003

Early next month, a villager in the mountainous jungles of
northern Laos will climb onto a stationary bicycle hooked to a
handmade, wireless computer and pedal his people into the digital

It will be the first time a human-powered computer has ever
linked a Third World village to the Internet by wireless remote.
And the two Americans who will make this possible -- one a Navy
veteran who became a leader in the Vietnam anti-war movement two
generations ago, the other a founding pioneer of Silicon Valley
-- plan to be at his side as he pedals.

Long ago, when their hair was jet-black and the '60s were hot,
these two graying Boomers -- Lee Thorn of San Francisco and Lee
Felsenstein of Palo Alto [an old friend of Lou's, I believe] --
were in the forefront of the raucous Berkeley left. Today, they
still want to change the world.

But this time, it will be in the middle of a jungle 7,500 miles
from home in a tiny village called Phon Kham -- with a computer
they specially created to help some of the neediest people on

So why are they doing this?

"It will be like Alexander Graham Bell, in the jungle," Thorn
said. "It's groundbreaking and new.

"Right now, the villagers have no way of telling what the market
is like in the big towns they sell their stuff to, telling what
the weather report is for their crops, things like that. This
will absolutely change that. Plus, they will be able to talk to
relatives in America some of them haven't seen in decades."

LOW-MAINTENANCE MACHINE Technological projects have been slowly
hooking remote villages in places such as India and Africa to the
computer age for several years. But not in this way. They either
involve cell phones, which need high-tech transmitter towers, or
computers hooked into electricity and cable phone lines -- not
foot pedals and wireless antennas nailed to trees.

This new computer also has another element not common to Third
World tech projects: The input of villagers who wouldn't normally
know a megabyte from a mosquito bite, but who are helping install
it and who will be trained by Thorn's group. Word has already
spread so far and wide that 40 countries, including South Africa
and Peru, are interested in it.

"This will change everyone's lives in Phon Kham," Vorasone

who is coordinating the project in Laos and has relatives in the
village area,

said from Vientiane, the capital of Laos. "The important thing is
for them to have communication, because every day they sell their
ducks, rice, weaving and chickens, and every day they have to
sell for less money than they should because they can't know what
the real price is down in the towns."

PRIMITIVE CONDITIONS All 200 residents of Phon Kham live in
bamboo houses with thatch roofs. There is no electricity. No
telephone. If you want to go to the next tiny village a few miles
away, you walk a dirt road that will probably wash out when the
monsoons come.

It's about what you'd expect in the 10th-poorest nation on earth
-- which during the Vietnam War had 2 million tons of bombs
dropped on it by the United States, more than was dumped on
Germany and Japan combined in World War II.

On its face, it could sound crazy to try to hook Laos up to a
microchip world that its villagers would seem incapable of
understanding, let alone using.

But nobody had counted on the 59-year-old Thorn.

During the Vietnam War, he was a Navy bomb loader on an aircraft
carrier that was among those that launched devastating air
strikes against Laos and Cambodia in the then-secret U.S. "shadow
war." Decades later, racked with a need for penance, Thorn
created the Jhai Foundation, a nonprofit that works to rebuild
rural Laos -- and which will launch this new computer.

His partner in the computer venture has an equally dynamic
background, albeit more pacific. Felsenstein, 57, invented the
Osborne 1, the world's first portable computer, and in the 1970s
he kick-started the home computer revolution with his fellow
nerds in the Homebrew Computer Club, Apple creators Steve Wozniak
and Steve Jobs.

PEDAL POWER His latest invention, created specially for Thorn's
group, is the bike- pedaled computer.

The two have assembled a team of a dozen wireless-technology and
personal computer hotshots from the Bay Area and around the
world, and they will tromp into the land mine-, snake-infested
Laotian jungles over the next few weeks. There, with the help of
the Phon Kham villagers, they will install the computer
Felsenstein created out of off-the-shelf odds and bits -- and on
Feb. 12, they intend to fire the machine up and hook into the

SOLUTION FOR VILLAGERS They call the invention the Jhai Computer,
Jhai meaning "hearts and minds working together" in Laotian. It
was built because the villagers asked Thorn for a way, any way,
they could better tap into their country's economy and have
contact with the outside world.

The bike-pedaled generator will power a battery that in turn runs
the computer, which sits in an 8-by-10-inch box and has the power
of a pre-Pentium,

486-type computer. Felsenstein designed it to run on only 12
watts -- compared to a typical computer's 90 watts -- so the bike
power would be up to the task.

"It has no moving parts, the lid seals up tight, and you can dunk
it in water and it will still run," Felsenstein said. "The idea
is to be rugged, last at least 10 years and run in both the
monsoon season and the dry season."

ROOF-TO-TREE CONNECTIVITY The computer will hook up with a
wireless card -- an 802.11b, the current industry standard -- to
an antenna bolted on the roof of a bamboo house, and the signal
will be beamed from there to an antenna nailed to a tree on top
of a mountain. There the signal will be bounced to Phon Hong,
which sits 25 miles from Phon Kham and is the nearest big village
with phone lines. The phone lines then hook to an Internet
service provider.

Felsenstein crafted the Jhai to run on Linux software, a system
which, unlike some other software, will not be obsolete in 18
months. Then he recruited a Laotian IBM engineer in New York to
customize it to the Lao language. Mark Summer, a leader among San
Francisco wireless aficionados, designed the connections and
tested them last summer on the city's hills.

Through the Internet connection, the Jhai Computer will be able
to not only do e-mail, but also run a two-way telephone system
through Voice Over Internet Protocol, or VOIP.

If the first Jhai Computer works as planned, Thorn's group will
hook up four nearby villages and start an institute to train the
residents. Eventually,

they may mass-produce it for other countries.

"I've never heard of anything exactly like this being done, in
this way," said Dennis Allison, the noted Stanford University
electrical engineering lecturer and co-founder of the
groundbreaking People's Computer Co. in the 1970s. After seeing a
recent presentation by Felsenstein on the invention, he
concluded: "From a social impact point of view, it's a big deal.
A very big deal."

HEALING MISSION What impelled Thorn to recruit Felsenstein and
the rest of his team is the same thing that motivated him to
create the Jhai Foundation in 1998. He wants to repair the damage
wreaked by a war nobody acknowledged at the time -- officially,
the United States never laid a hand, let alone a bomb, on Laos --
and in doing so repair some of the pain he feels at having been
part of that war.

"This is all about Jhai, the hearts and minds together, about
doing what is right," Thorn said. "This is what the Phon Kham
people asked for, and this is the most reasonable response to
their request. It's simple."

It's the same straightforward style he used three decades ago
when he co- founded the national Veterans for Peace at UC
Berkeley. And five years ago as well, when he loaded up a
backpack of surplus medical supplies and flew to Laos with the
simple aim of doing some good, and wound up creating his

"I go back again and again out of gratitude," Thorn said. "The
last five years I've been able to heal myself in ways I never
thought would be possible, and that's because of the
relationships I've built in Laos."

Operating on a shoestring budget of donations from contacts Thorn
made as a peace activist, Jhai has built wells, installed
computer learning labs for children, helped clear unexploded
bombs and started importing coffee to America.

The most powerful factor on Thorn's side these days is the genius
he knew from the old radical times and whom he recruited to get
the computer project going -- Felsenstein.

For Felsenstein, the idea of making a computer "for the people"
has driven him since the 1960s, when he wrote for the Berkeley
Barb and was tech whiz for the Free Speech Movement. The zeal
never faded as Felsenstein's career carried on through the years
to his current job at a Mountain View medical instruments

"The human situation fit very well to what could be done with the
technology we had available," he said in his characteristic
dead-pan, engineer's earnestness. "What's incredible is that we
couldn't just go to the store and buy this already, that it had
to be invented."

Neither of the two Lees, both not as svelte as they used to be,
is looking forward to schlepping the computer and its clunky
antennas through the jungle. But neither is complaining.

People scoffed at Thorn years ago when he wanted to band veterans
together to make a peace movement, and they scoffed at
Felsenstein when he said he could make a portable computer. And
today, they are just as determined to beat the odds.

Some whom they have consulted for advice on where to buy
batteries and the like have, just at the mention of the project,
laughed skeptically. That just makes the two Lees smile.

"When someone says to me, 'I don't understand what you're doing,
you must be crazy,' I know I'm on the right track," Felsenstein

For information on donations to the Jhai Foundation's work in
Laos, go to / E-mail Kevin Fagan at


Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA 95929

Tel. 530-898-5321

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