On Mon, 20 Jan 2003, Michael Perelman wrote:

> Doug Henwood had someone ask me for a critique of rational choice theory
> accessible to an undergraduate.  Any suggestions?  I drew a blank.

I forwarded your query onto a sociologist friend who made the
following suggestions, fwiw:

-------forwarded message----------

In the volume of 2003 of the Annual Review of Sociology will be an article

"Beyond Rational Choice Theory" by Raymond Boudon

(I think the volume is not yet published).

Besides that there are two classic review essays:

Neil Smelser et at., "The Rational Choice Perpective: A Theoretical
Assessment," Rationality and Society, 1992, 4,4, 381-410 (this should take
care of the state of the art until 1990 or 1991)


Michael Hechter and Satoshi Kanazawa, Sociological Rational Choice Theory,
in the Annual Review of Sociology, 1997, 23, 191-214.

(This will include the second half of the 1990s). Together with the not
yet published Boudon article, reading these three should take care of a
good overview.


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