FBI Taps Campus Police in Anti-Terror Operations
Student, Faculty Groups Fear a Return of Spying Abuses Against
Activists, Foreign Nationals

By Dan Eggen
Washington Post Staff Writer
Saturday, January 25, 2003; Page A01

Federal authorities have begun enlisting campus police officers in the
domestic war on terror, renewing fears among some faculty and student
groups of overzealous FBI spying at colleges and universities that led
to scandals in decades past.

Since the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the FBI has strengthened or
established working relationships with hundreds of campus police
departments, in part to gain better access to insular communities of
Middle Eastern students, government officials said.

On at least a dozen campuses, the FBI has included collegiate police
officers as members of local Joint Terrorism Task Forces, the regional
entities that oversee counterterrorism investigations nationwide.

Some officers have been given federal security clearance, which allows
them access to classified information. Their supervisors often do not
know which cases these officers are working on because details cannot be
shared, officials said.

The FBI and many campus police officers view the arrangements as a
logical, effective way to help monitor potential terrorist threats and
keep better tabs on the more than 200,000 foreign nationals studying in
the United States. Several of the Sept. 11 hijackers were enrolled as
students at American flight schools, and one entered the country on a
student visa but never showed up at the school.

"Campus law enforcement is starting to get a lot more recognition from
the FBI and other federal agencies now, because they're realizing we do
have police departments and we can play a vital role in stopping
terrorism," said H. Scott Doner, police chief at Valdosta State
University in Georgia and president of the International Association of
Campus Law Enforcement Administrators. "Everybody's got to have their
eyes and ears open to make sure something doesn't happen again."

But the effort has touched a nerve among some faculty and student
groups, as well as Muslim activists, who fear that the government is
inching toward the kind of controversial spying tactics it used in the
1950s and 1960s. With few restrictions, the FBI at the time aggressively
monitored, and often harassed, political groups, student activists and

Faculty leaders and administrators argue that U.S. colleges and
universities are unique places devoted to the exchange of ideas, and
that even the hint of surveillance by government authorities taints that

"This type of cooperation is perfectly valid if it's based on criminal
activity, but the danger with the FBI is that it doesn't always limit
itself to that," said Sarah Eltantawi, spokeswoman for the Muslim Public
Affairs Council. "Given the FBI's history, there's a definite concern
that they will go too far."

Closer ties between the FBI and campus police are the latest example of
the government's determination to keep better tabs on foreign students
and faculty in the United States. The efforts have met resistance at
many colleges, which are accustomed to a fair amount of independence
from government scrutiny and which often are home to activists
suspicious of the FBI.

This month, the Immigration and Naturalization Service is launching a
computerized tracking system for all foreign nationals studying in the
United States, a program that was stalled for years, in part by
university complaints. Some FBI field offices have also asked local
universities and colleges for detailed lists of foreign students and
faculty, prompting objections from academic groups and several U.S.

"There is a concern on the part of universities to balance on this
tightrope in the post-September 11 world," said A. John Bramley, provost
at the University of Vermont. "On the one hand, no one wants to do
anything that is not entirely supportive of national security. On the
other hand, universities are open places that want to encourage dialogue
and diversity."

Distrust of the FBI runs high among some faculty who remember the
counterculture demonstrations of the 1960s. Under J. Edgar Hoover's
15-year COINTELPRO program, the bureau engaged in broad and questionable
tactics aimed at monitoring and disrupting student activist groups.

FBI agents infiltrated leftist antiwar and civil rights groups with
informants, tapped into radio frequencies to disrupt protest plans,
stole membership rolls and compiled dossiers on student political
leaders. The FBI even produced bogus student newspapers, one
conservative and one liberal, to spread inaccurate information and sow
dissension among student groups. The COINTELPRO programwas halted in

The FBI has long had liaison relationships with police and security
departments at some universities, particularly larger institutions with
higher crime rates or heavy involvement in sensitive research areas,
officials said. But the Sept. 11 attacks prompted the bureau to
strengthen its links to local and state police departments, including
those on college campuses.

Precise numbers are not available, but FBI estimates and interviews with
campus police administrators indicate that at least a dozen departments
have assigned officers to play significant roles in FBI anti-terrorism
task forces.

The arrangements with the schools vary. At the University of Texas in
Dallas, a campus police officer attends monthly task force meetings and
is in regular communication with the FBI, but has not participated in
active investigations, officials said. In Gainesville, Fla., a
University of Florida officer is assigned to work full time alongside
FBI agents and state police in terror investigations.

At the University of Toledo, police chief John A. Dauer said that one
full-time and one part-time officer are assigned to the FBI terrorism
task force based in Cleveland. Although he is not privy to the details
of his officers' work with federal agents, Dauer said the arrangement
gives him a better handle on possible terrorist threats on campus than
he previously had.

"We have a large Arab population between here and Dearborn that they are
concerned about, and a considerable international population on campus,"
Dauer said. "Having the detectives work with them helps us be more
proactive in terms of information. Without that, we'd probably have very
little information at all."

A similar arrangement has prompted controversy at the University of
Massachusetts at Amherst, where an FBI agent and a campus police
detective showed up at the office of an Iraqi-born economics professor
in November for an interview. The campus detective, Barry Flanders, was
assigned to the local FBI task force and was working on federal
terrorism investigations at least two days a week.

FBI officials and campus police said they were able to quickly discount
the anonymous tip that led to the interview, and professor M.J. Alhabeeb
told local media outlets that the meeting was brief and polite.

But the case prompted a wave of protests by students and faculty, who
argued that the arrangement gave the FBI the ability to intrude on the
privacy rights of foreign nationals. The local American Civil Liberties
Union has filed a Freedom of Information Act request demanding details
about the university's cooperation with the FBI.

"What we know about the FBI in the past is that it has engaged in a
whole set of activities against people because they didn't like the
views they expressed or the associations they had formed," said Dan
Clawson, a sociology professor at the University of Massachusetts who
helped arrange a faculty protest meeting on the topic. "It appears that
we are likely to go back to that time. . . . Universities should take a
principled stand saying we oppose these activities because they
interfere with the free exchange of information and ideas."

University of Massachusetts police chief Barbara O'Connor said the
modern FBI operates under tighter restrictions than it did decades ago.
Letting one of her officers work alongside the bureau is a sensible way
to guard against terrorist threats and to keep the campus . involved in
federal probes, she said.

"I think we have a responsibility as a major university to contribute to
the safety of this region, despite the political pressure that's been
brought to bear," O'Connor said. "I understand people's concerns about
civil liberties, but this is part of making sure people aren't harming

Sheldon E. Steinbach, general counsel for the American Council on
Education, said criticism of the FBI's heightened activity on U.S.
campuses is overblown.

"Much of the concern expressed at the moment is speculative and
anticipatory," he said. "It's ascribing sinister motives to the FBI
before anything remotely akin to that has been proven."

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