A Gaullist MP Jacques Myard, appeared sceptical that Iraq is likely to have mass quantities of chemical or biological weapons and that these amount to a significant threat.

Sir Andrew Green former British Ambassador to Saudi Arabia stated his opinion that the test of evidence appropriate to justify a war should be the criminal standard - beyond reasonable doubt.

He went on to say he thought that had been met in Powell's speech on chemical and biological weapons (and said the evidence on links with terrorism was much weaker).

But he then said that before going to war it is relevant to ask whether there is a real threat.

He said that a second UN resolution was important for public opinion in the USA and the UK and for key states like Turkey and Saudi Arabia.

Tomorrow evening Tony Blair is going to be grilled on UK television by Jeremy Paxman. If Paxman cannot make him squirm, no one can.

[Britain is going to be a sceptical arena for evaluation of this war, even if it is inevitable. Britain is not squeamish about the loss of soldiers lives, but there are very few other countries that can field combat troops alongside the USA for the enforcement of the new rules of the New Empire. Britain is an imperialist country but it is not suffused with imperial jingoism these days. There is no enthusiasm for this war.]

Chris Burford

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