U.S. Moves Closer to Colombia's War
Involvement of Special Forces Could Trigger New Wave of Guerrilla Violence

By Scott Wilson
Washington Post Foreign Service
Friday, February 7, 2003; Page A22

SARAVENA, Colombia -- The arrival of U.S. Special Forces trainers in this
battered town last month signaled the beginning of a change that gives the
United States more direct military involvement in Colombia's long civil war
and could lead the country's two leftist guerrilla armies to broaden attacks
against U.S. targets.

Late last month, the smaller of the two Marxist-oriented guerrilla movements,
the National Liberation Army, kidnapped two journalists, a Briton and an
American, in this oil-rich region of eastern Colombia, saying the province had
become a "war zone declared by the North American government and the Colombian

Although meant as an explanation for the abduction of the journalists, who
were released Saturday after 11 days in rebel hands, the warning stirred deep
anxiety among Colombian civilians that the presence of U.S. troops would
prompt a sharp response from the guerrillas.

Over the course of this year, Arauca province is scheduled to become the
center of gravity for a $470 million-a-year U.S. effort to help President
Alvaro Uribe cripple the enduring leftist insurgency by strengthening
Colombia's military. The training program will emphasize counterinsurgency
rather than the anti-drug techniques that had been the focus of U.S. aid to

In expanding the training beyond counter-drugs, the United States has
abandoned an ambiguity that was once carefully cultivated by U.S. officials,
promising to make the United States a higher-profile player in Colombia's
39-year-old war.

This month, U.S. officials will begin shifting military resources previously
used in anti-drug operations in southern Colombia to this province, which lies
on the Venezuelan border and is 220 miles east of Bogota, the capital.
Helicopters will be used directly against the two guerrilla armies, which the
State Department considers terrorist organizations. Under the program, the
Colombian military is scheduled to buy additional helicopters and other
military equipment.

The effort has been presented as a way to help Colombian troops protect an
economically important government oil pipeline from guerrilla attack. But it
is clear from the training taking place on an army base here that defending
the pipeline will mostly entail offensive operations against the seasoned
guerrillas who have prospered on this swampy stretch of oil and coca fields.
The first military unit selected for training, for instance, is a
counter-guerrilla battalion, not a unit whose principal task is to protect the

"I look at this [program] more as one that is trying to establish security in
an area where there just happens to be a pipeline," a U.S. official said.

The 70 U.S. trainers in Arauca -- more than half here, the rest on nearby
bases in Cano Limon and Arauca city to the east -- are a useful propaganda
symbol for the guerrillas, who have long warned of U.S. economic designs on
Colombia's natural wealth. The message has resonated all the more as the
United States prepares for a possible war in Iraq that could disrupt world oil

In the coming weeks, U.S. officials say, at least five UH-1H Huey II
helicopters will be sent from the south to support counterinsurgency here.
Those helicopters, funded under a $1.3 billion U.S. anti-drug package, were
restricted to anti-drug operations until the Bush administration received
congressional approval last year to allow their use in counterinsurgency.

U.S. officials say that at least five helicopters will be needed to meet their
initial goal of being able to move a 40-man platoon to guerrilla targets at
one time. They say the $88 million to $98 million program will pay for as many
as 10 new helicopters, "target acquisition" systems, night-vision gear and the
training itself.

About 25 U.S. trainers will remain in Larandia, an army base in southern
Colombia, preparing troops to carry out operations against drug labs and coca
crops. In addition, 15 U.S. trainers based in Tolemaida, west of Bogota, are
preparing a 300-man commando battalion to be used to hunt important guerrilla
commanders and destroy guerrilla command-and-control centers, small-unit
capabilities the army does not have. The U.S. trainers are not authorized to
participate in military operations.

On a gray morning here last week, troops from the 30th Counter-Guerrilla
Battalion based in Fortul, 12 miles south of Saravena, gathered in small
groups to begin the 10-week course on "how to move, communicate and shoot," in
the words of one U.S. official. U.S. officials hope to train two battalions of
the 18th Brigade, about 800 men, this year.

Saravena, a city of 40,000 residents, once dominated by guerrilla militia
networks, offers a surreal picture of Colombia's war. Despite the oil riches
that surround the city, the urban centerpiece is a bombed-out police station
and city hall, the rubble lined with sandbags and gun emplacements. The
airport, destroyed last year by guerrilla attacks, remains decorated with
signs sponsored by the chamber of commerce that cheerfully invite passengers
to return soon.

The National Liberation Army, a 5,000-member Cuban-inspired insurgency known
by its Spanish initials, ELN, has profited from the oil pipeline, which runs
500 miles from Cano Limon to Covenas on the Caribbean coast. In general, the
ELN bleeds funds from sympathetic nonprofit organizations and city halls that
get extra taxes and subsidies from pipeline royalties.

The ELN's larger cousin, the 18,000-member Revolutionary Armed Forces of
Colombia, or FARC, has moved in more recently seeking its own share of the

Both guerrilla groups have declared U.S. interests in Colombia military
objectives, but they have usually reserved their attacks for helicopters,
anti-drug spray planes and economic infrastructure. The notorious exception
was the FARC's 1999 killing of three American indigenous-rights activists in
Arauca, the result of a power struggle between the guerrilla groups.

The most prominent guerrilla target has been the pipeline, jointly operated by
the government and Occidental Petroleum Corp. of Los Angeles. The guerrillas,
primarily the FARC, blew up the pipeline 170 times in 2001, according to the
state oil company, Ecopetrol. According to military officials and provincial
politicians, the objective of most of the bombings was to force the ELN to
share more of the proceeds.

The attacks cost the government $500 million in revenue in 2001, money the
United States wants Uribe to be able to invest in the war effort. Bombings
dropped to 42 last year with better security and a guerrilla agreement over

Uribe last week ordered that Arauca's oil royalties, amounting to roughly $42
million a year, must be managed by his administration rather than by the
provincial government, a move designed to choke off the ELN's financing. That
announcement angered regional political leaders, who say not a penny of
promised social aid has arrived since September, when Uribe declared the
region a special security zone.

"It's a way to generate news," said Jose Trinidad Sierra, Saravena's mayor.
"The question is: Does it work? And what comes next? Beyond these Special
Forces, what the government must do is invest in employment."

Several human rights, political and military officials here said the
kidnapping of the two journalists, on assignment for the Los Angeles Times,
broke the long-standing immunity enjoyed by foreign journalists working in
Colombia and marks a change in guerrilla tactics.

Scott Dalton, 34, a photographer from Conroe, Tex., and Ruth Morris, 35, a
British citizen raised in Los Angeles, were detained at an ELN roadblock Jan.
21 as they traveled from here to Tame, 35 miles to the south.

The two were released Saturday without fanfare to an International Red Cross
delegation not far from where they were originally seized.

"It's a deplorable act, but it is the result of anger among the people here
over the militarization of Arauca," said Jose Murillo, president of the Joel
Sierra Regional Committee for Human Rights. "You don't need some deep analysis
to tell you what the U.S. troops are going to bring, a worsening of the
government's dirty war against the left."

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