At 2003-03-03 09:52 -0800, Michael wrote:
In United States, one percentage point increase in the unemployment rate
has a significant impact on encouraging crime.  Parenthetically, I wonder
if anybody has done some sort of cost benefit study on this subject.  I
understand that in the Muslim countries, lack of economic opportunity
drives many of the educated class in the direction of religion.  In
looking at the huge unemployment rates and sluggish growth of the Arab
economies, it would seem that the war on terror could find a better use of
its funds by allowing more economic activity in that region.

Surely. The EU could be talking with oil rich states about a new Marshall Aid plan for the Middle East, including cancelling the debt of the poorest countries (just as Germany's was after the second world war) and promoting trade and norms of bourgeois democracy and human rights across Israel and Palestine. Plus some constitutional moves within Saudi Arabia to weaken fundamentalism.

Chirac's very popular visit to Algeria shows the scope for a somewhat more democratic cooperative solution. This must reinforce the conviction of the governments of old Europe that peace must be linked to some sort of justice for muslim peoples. This is quite different from the perception of the US administration and the lie of US politics.

Note too how Turkey's stance indicates a further slight leaning towards Europe.

And the euro has just hit 1.09, with the price of the Swiss Franc rising more indicating lack of forward trust in the dollar as a safe store of value.

At the end of the day, it is about fiddling balance sheets denominated in 100's of billions. (Lets leave the unit of currency out of it, because that could be part of the game). It is entirely possible, if there is the will, and if mass protests continue for economic as well as political justice, and for peace. And for solidarity between the peoples of the world, especially between peoples of judaeo-christian cultural background and peoples of muslim lands.

If the loyal Tony Blair is driven by fear, he too could see the logic of Michael's question, as his perserverance yesterday and today in Ireland, indicates.

Chris Burford

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