Subject:  Call for conference of radical academics in all disciplines
from Radical Caucus of MLA
   Date:  Tue, 11 Mar 2003 19:44:08 -0500
   From:  Steve Rosenthal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I was asked to post this draft of a call for a conference of radical
academics from the Radical Caucus of the Modern Language Association.
It will take place at the CUNY Graduate Center on Saturday, April 19.  I
expect to be able to post an updated call with more complete information
in the next few days.

Steve Rosenthal


The Radical Caucus of the Modern Language Association invites members of
progressive caucuses in all academic disciplines, as well as individual
activists, to a symposium:

                         RADICAL ACADEMICS:  WHAT IS TO BE DONE?

                                      April 19, 10:00 - 4:00

                            City University of New York, Graduate

                       Fifth Avenue, between 34th and 35th Streets, Room

Friends:  with antiwar activity rising and continuing efforts in many
fields to combat the degradation of academic labor, we think this may be
a good time for a friendly meeting of active leftists in the
universities.  Our aims:

1. To trade reports on conditions in the disciplines and the work of
activist groups;

2. To discuss the politics of higher education in a time of war fever
and a longer time of privatization;

3. To consider whether a loose affiliation of left caucuses, or even a
formal organization of academic progressives, might be worth
undertaking--to  oppose the war, but also to constitute a more general
resistance among graduate students and faculty members.

We suggest beginning with reports and analysis (#1 above) from
participants who can speak about or for the various caucuses and other
organizations (ten minutes per speaker?), followed by questions and
clarifications.  Then we would move to the broader discussion described
in #2 above, with a break for lunch around 1:00.  Then we would consider
the question framed in #3 above, and possible steps toward further

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