There seem to be many discussions of this. Ad nauseam one hears that there
are good arguments on both sides of the issue. Some Prof from Duke just said
this on CBC radio and our defence minister takes the same position. Of
course there arguments on both sides but the pro legality side has quite
weak arguments and ignores key aspects of resolution such as1441 that left
the UN siezed of the issue and specifically used the term "serious
consequences' for material breaches rather than the use of force. As
Negroponte clarified when France and others worried about automaticity there
was none and there was no hair trigger. Well now it seems there is!

If international law were not simply a fig leaf for great power actions
France and the US could simply ask the International Court of Justice for an
interpretation on the issue. I havent seen ONE source anywhere suggest this?
Why is that? Or even awareness that this is an option.

CHeers, Ken Hanly

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