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Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003. Page 7

Report: U.S. Plans to Tap $40Bln Iraq Account

More than $40 billion from Iraqi crude sales are sitting in an escrow
account controlled by the United Nations, and the United States and Britain
want to use it to pay for humanitarian war aid, The Associated Press
reported Wednesday.

The news agency said the $40 billion figure came from "previously
undisclosed UN figures," and represented money Baghdad was unable to spend
under the oil-for-food program, which was introduced to soften the blow of
economic sanctions imposed on Iraq after it invaded neighboring Kuwait in

Citing unnamed diplomats and UN sources, the AP said Russia and the other
Security Council members have asked Secretary General Kofi Annan to oversee
any use of the money to avoid further conflicts within the council.

The proposal, which apparently envisages a quick overthrow of the Iraqi
regime, will reportedly be put forward by Annan shortly after the war

Neither Washington nor London will have direct access to the alleged cash,
which would ease their liabilities in rebuilding a post-war Iraq.

It would also mean the end of any deals that Russian, French or other
countries have with Baghdad through the oil-for-food program, according to
the AP.

A UN spokesman for the program said Iraq has $1.3 billion in nonearmarked
funds on an account set up for the northern regions of the country.

He could not say how much there might be in the account on top of that in
funds pegged for deals that have not yet been concluded .

A senior UN diplomat involved with the program in New York said late
Wednesday that the UN liked to keep details of those earmarked funds "close
to its chest."

Another account, for the central and southern regions of the country, has a
cumulative shortfall of almost $5.4 billion in approved contracts that could
not be covered by revenues due to fluctuations in the oil supply, the UN
spokesman said. It also has another $9 billion in funds earmarked for other
deals still in the pipeline.

However, the senior diplomat denied that Iraq had $40 billion in any or all
of its United Nations' accounts.

"The $40 billion is the amount that has gone through one of Iraq's UN
accounts under the oil-for-food program over the last six years,'' he said
on condition of anonymity. "That's how much has been used."

The plan being put forward by the United States and Britain would not end
the oil-for-food program, but adapt it, he said, adding that the goal was to
give humanitarian supplies of foodstuffs and medicines priority over

The idea is to make use of deals totaling $6 billion that have already been
approved, but not yet delivered, he said.

Russia has been a major supplier under the oil-for-food program, making it
potentially the biggest loser if the program is wound up.

France is the next biggest supplier, followed by Sudan, the United Arab
Emirates, and China, according to the UN.

Russia's Economic Development and Trade Ministry released figures Wednesday
showing that Russian oil firms won contracts to sell 124 million barrels of
Iraqi oil in 2002, or 40 percent of the country's total crude exports.

Some 15 Russian firms brokered Iraqi crude deals worth a total of $2.8
billion last year, the ministry said.

In addition, some 60 Russian firms exported a total of $1.5 billion worth of
goods, services and equipment to Iraq in 2002.

French diplomats told The Associated Press that France and Russia want
Iraq's funds to remain under UN control, rather than the U.S. or Britain.

The oil-for-food program was suspended Monday because of the evacuation of
UN staff from Iraq.

A new resolution is necessary to continue the flow of humanitarian goods
into Iraq because the current agreement was made with the government of
Saddam Hussein.


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