>>>>> "chris" == Chris Burford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

  chris> obviously futile. But as the stories mount of unnecessary
  chris> civilian deaths and maimings, and of deaths through "friendly
  chris> fire" and accidents, this propels the relevance of continued
  chris> protests, against an unjust and inappropriate use of force. Yes
  chris> even if they find some prisoners in Saddam's jails who have had
  chris> their tongues cut out, as they promise us, it will still be
  chris> relevant to campaign against the excessive and inappropriate use
  chris> of force!


But where does that leave us (uh, "the left") when or if such stories
don't emerge, either because the Pentagon's (rather brillant, IMO)
'embedding' strategy simply strangles the news before it leaks out or, as
seems more likely, there *aren't* any such stories to tell?

It seems possible, at this very early point, that Bush & Co. will get a
relatively bloodless win against Hussein, who will be spun as a paper

In other words, what if Baghdad falls, not with an 'unnecessary' number of
civilian deaths, but with none at all? That seems at least possible right
now, and if it happens that way, it would seem to seriously undercut what
I understand you to be arguing as the basis of an antiwar position.

But perhaps I've misunderstood you? (Reading further, I think I agree with
your broader point about national sovereignty, but I oppose this war not
on those grounds, but because it's neither necessary nor a matter of last
resort. Well, and acquiescing to it seems to me to be acquiescing to the
enactment of imperial power -- and that just *feels* wrong.)

Kendall Clark
Jazz is only what you are. -- Louis Armstrong

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