Title: PK on deficit fears

Just got back from our rally and march.  A great group of about 400 people, highschoolers, retired workers, nuns and anarchists gathered at noon in the central plaza, did a couple of rounds, and then marched to the US Consulate’s office in a fancy office building some 10 blocks away.  (Also in that building is Duke Energy, who generates the power I am at this moment consuming, and TransRedes, the Shell/Enron affiliate, that pipes “Bolivian” carries gas and oil to buyers.)  All along the way we received supportive waves, honks, cheers.


Arriving at the US Consulate’s office, we did all kinds of chanting, singing, and general carrying-on.  The nuns led a rousing rendition of Leon Gieco’s “Solo le pido a dios”, now a standard anti-war number, made famous up there by Mercedes Sosa.  Not to be outdone, the radical students stared chanting for parts of Bush’s genitalia.  I was next to the nun contingent, and was delighted to see some of them chanting along, and when the chant died down, cracking up over their public transgressions.


What an awful day; what a great day.


Tom Kruse

Casilla 5812



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