On Sat, 29 Mar 2003, Devine, James wrote:

> So Wolfowitz, Perle, and Feith were once leftists of a sort (social dems
> who sided with the US in the Cold War) who worked for Scoop Jackson?

I don't think they were ever leftists of any sort (although I'd be
interested to learn otherwise).  I think they were centrist cold war
democrats who by that time had become neoconservatives.  The majority of
neocons at that point were still Democrats.  It was only under Reagan that
the majority migrated over to the Republicans.  Scoop attracted a whole
bunch of them in the early 70s because he already prided himself on their
two main foreign policy points: toughness on the Soviets and stalwart
support for our newly acquired and embattled little brother ally Israel.
For him of course the Jackson-Vanik amendment was a twofer.

BTW, in the context of current debates, it's good to keep in mind that
these guys were relative pipsqueaks at the time, and that the founders of
neoconservative foreign policy (and Israel's privileged place within it)
were all goyim: Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Jeanne Kirkpatrick, Robert Tucker
and Samuel P. Huntington.  Scoop of course was a Presbyterian.  It all
started out as way of revivifying the cold war consensus in the aftermath
of Vietnam.


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