At 09:31 AM 4/1/03 -0800, Eugene Coyle wrote:

An item from April 1 2003 WSJ editorial page suggests something the Left needs to deal with:

The author left out what is probably most important for understanding the poll: It asked people what they thought "being rich" actually meant. Not surprisingly, what being rich means to someone making $30k is a lot different from what it means to someone making $75k or $140k

The poll also reveals that gender and age play a part in people's perceptions. Unfortunately, when I read this, it was (I thought) freely available and I didn't save the entire report.

here's the clip that I do have: "A recent Gallup Poll, conducted Jan. 20-22, finds that 31% of Americans expect to get rich at some time in their lives, and another 2% volunteer that they already are rich. The public's definition of rich means an annual income of about $120,000 or financial assets of about $1 million (each figure is the median estimate). These figures, as well as the percentage who expect to get rich, all vary considerably by gender, age, and income."


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