In a message dated 4/2/03 10:36:59 AM Pacific Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

One way of making
clear to the vast majority that their dreams of being rich will
never be realized is to publish more books like that. Maybe even
in a simpler language. Another possibility is offering courses at
universities, colleges and other public education institutions,
not on the Second Volume of Marx's Capital, but on this topic.

If I simplify Marx and concentrate on the mode of production but call it the material power of the productive forces and then explain that this means tools, technology and energy source, and why this compels society to change . . . . .maybe in a 50 page paperback with a $5.95 price and get . 25 cents . . . and add this to my pension ... and then do a series that is easy to read . . . .

I might make it pretty good.

I could go back to the Casino . . . for a little while and . . .   shit . . . . .write an easy to read book on how to play Blackjack. Yeaaaaah! Most blackjack players say they "play by the book" and have never read the book.

Yes, I can call it "Blackjack: The Book" and make it only 45 pages long and charge $9.95" because gamblers will pay more. If I stop stalling and writing that crampy Marx shit on Pen-L for about a month . . .hit the library and review all the major Black Jack books, and then set up a Web Page . . . .

Wait a minute!

I could write a beginners pamphlet on dialectics and talk in a plain fashion about antagonism and what it really mean in 25 pages and  . . . .oh shit, nobody else talks about the hard philosophic questions in a language the average American can understand . . . .hu m m mm mm m

Let me make sure I pay AOL on time because  ... wait a minute . .. Damn . . . Waistline2 could be a brand name. Damn.

I have argued with Chris and Lou long enough and wrote enough material ... Shit  . . .I have a brand name ... damn. I wonder ... if I got . . .  . wait a minute... from each small booklet ... and multiplied this by at least three a year …. Shit . . .  . I might still be able to move to Vegas . . .  . I mean Arizona . .. .its the climate.

Melvin P.

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