>From Michael's response I will single out two sentences:

> I think that Sabri's note suggests that we don't have
> a great difference among us.

Yes. This is what I think. In details maybe you differ but, in my
opnion, it is not the details but the "totality" what matters.
This is why I call myself an anarcho-Leninist with a touch of
Yunus Emre, the sufi humanist, or, the anarcho-sufi as I once
introduced him to this list. Now, some anarchist and some
Leninist friends will get angry with me because I said this but
what the heck. I even respect many reformists and even had been
accused by many of my "revolutionary" friends of being a social
democrat. What is most bothersome to me is that I am none of

> At the same time, Clinton clearly demonstrated the hollowness
> of the minimalist strategy, significantly helping to move the
> center of gravity to the right.

For reasons similar to the one above and more, at this point I
have no hope from the Democrats in the US. Maybe you American
progressives, whatever this means, should look beyond the
existing two party system and try to build a party which is not
only an alternative to the Republicans and the Democrats to but
also to the existing Greens.

Clearly, such a party should neither be Leninist nor

It is up to you, of course, to decide what kind of a party to
build so I stop here. Keep in mind however that whatever you do
here will greatly affect what happens to us, that is, the rest of
the world.



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