At 2003-06-17 14:28 -0700, Jim D wrote:

as I said one time, Blair is the weak link in Bush's chain-mail. The British system seems much more democratic than the US one, which makes it hard for Blair to be a permanent ally.

BTW, is Robin Cook the same guy who writes pot-boiler novels? (Does he visit Jeffrey Archer in jail to trade writing tips? Or is the latter a free man these days?)

You mean the graduate of Columbia University medical school?
‘The king of the medical thriller… Cook knows his stuff and how to build the suspense. He gets the reader hooked from start to finish’ (Sunderland Echo)

With acknowledgements to Google, No.

Our British/Scottish Robin Cook comes out of his resignation from Blair's government with enhanced credibility (though he back-tracked at the beginning of the war on calling for troops to come home as soon as possible, and is not calling for that even now).  Cook and Short however are imperialist interventionists, people should have no doubt, but of a more multilateralist and more accountable type. This is the revenge of the multilateralists on the unilateralists, and on him who shook hands on a deal with the unilateralists. It is a policy conflict within the executive strata of Empire.

Chris Burford

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