At 11:12 AM 6/19/03 -0400, ravi wrote:
> from: "Chilman, Walter" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> "Chilman, Walter" wrote:
>>Dear Michael...
>>one notices, does not one, how the internet is getting loaded up with what
>>should really be considered idle scraps of thought generally unconnected
>>with anything meaningful and typically speaking of profound annoyance to
>>someone doing honest research. You name is associated with at least one of
>>and therefore as one empties his wastebasket from time to time, or even
>>flushes his toilet, why not take this bit of crap off the internet for the
>>benefit of other people.
>>Ivan Hild

its a pity he has not applied his advice to his own idle scraps of
thought! btw, is his name chilman or hild?

It looks as if he's a little dimwitted, using a pseudonym and forgetting that he has a from address that identifies him. Probably the influence of Outhouse which like to hide those things lest the user's eyes burn out. I'm not seeing anything in his headers to indicate that he forged the address, pretending to be Walter [EMAIL PROTECTED] If it's a forgery, it's pretty dang good what with the Message-id header:

Message-id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At any rate, Hild and Chilman have both posted or had things posted about
them which identify their residence as Falls Church, VA.  This, of course,
isn't proof that they are one and the same or that the Ivan Hild comments,
below, can be linked to Chilman. Nonetheless, for entertainment purposes
only, this is what Ivan has had to say about the plague of "minorityism".
If you search on "ivan hild" he's also written on the importance of modern
welfare programs, but I don't get what the final crack about "minorities"
means. Anyone? (can ya tell, I'm procrastinating!)

From Ivan Hild:

Sir - In the letters column of the February issue there was a lively and
thoughtful discussion of why so many whites continue to favor offering
privileges to racial minorities. The explanation seems simple: In years
past, Anglo-Saxon Protestants, in their position of social and economic
dominance, displayed such a brutal contempt for non-WASP whites that the
latter have never gotten the foul taste of ethnic insult out of their
mouths. Therefore, just at a time when whites have more than a little
reason to pull together against the common threat, the preconditions for
racial solidarity just aren't there.

One could argue that such historical abuses of whites by whites is a thing
of the past and that bygones should be bygones. I wonder. It's still not
difficult to an atmosphere of contempt for Italians, Slavs, and others in
places like private country clubs, and an ethnic surname is still rare at
the top rung of a corporation.

The sting of WASP exclusivism alone explains why immigrant ethnics
of the 1930s voted with Jews and blacks for Franklin Roosevelt, why their
children voted for JFK, and why, even today, America's urban working class
still pulls the Democratic lever.

The problem is that whites in America - particularly upper level
whites - have never extended their allegiance beyond their own subgroup. If
white identity in this country fails to materialize (and it certainly
looks  anemic today), it will be because the dominant groups never played
fair with the rest. This is the dirty little secret that goes far to
explain why the nation continues to suffer the outrages of minorityism long
past the point of reason.

Ivan Hild, Falls Church (VA)

Letter From Washington:  Rites of Spring
Washington (DC) has celebrated its annual spring festival of youth, this
year with a Latin theme.  Half a thousand teen-agers, mostly El Salvadoran,
spent several days rioting, fire-bombing, looting, and torching municipal
vehicles in a neighborhood that was called Mount Pleasant by its long-ago
middle-class white inhabitants.
The event was hardly over when the greater Latino community of 30,000 or so
erupted with demands for "social justice," denouncing the city's black
political establishment for its alleged anti-Hispanic racism.  In a city
other than Washington, the minority tactic of torch and terrorize might
have worked, but Washington is 70 percent black.  The city fathers reacted
rudely to the very extortion tactics that blacks have used on whites for

Black politicos called the Central American stone-throwers "outrageous" and
"irresponsible."  A black DC councilman, H.R. Crawford, even suggested that
the "undocumenteds" be deported. Blacks proceeded to raise anti-Hispanic
grievances of their own, such as the fact that Latinos often vote
Republican and seem to disappear disloyally into the white suburbs after
one generation.

Washington, like Miami, has become a laboratory for the new, multi-racial
America in which white people hardly play a role.  Blacks and Hispanics are
finding that the third-world paradise that was supposed to follow the
unthroning of the white man isn't quite as it was advertised.  Blacks, at
any rate, are not likely to fall so easily for the shakedown tactics that
they themselves have perfected.
--Ivan Hild

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