Mah fellow Americans,

Tonight I wood like the opportoonity to talk to you about an isshoe that is
of great concern to the American pipple, and I am not talking about Enron
ever again, I promiss. The isshoe I wood like to address, er, talk about
tonight, concerns, concerns, eh, plagiarism.

My experts tell me, ah, that this word originates from the Dutch word
"plagen", meaning "to tease, worry or bother" and, eh, I don't like it, it
is unAmerican and they should be locked up.

The question arises, eh, is posed, I mean the question is weather one CAN in
fact acknowledge all one's sources, since ahh one's own inner resources are
limited, although not of course in the way the Green Party says, whoever
they are, and we must always gooarantee that America's interests abroad are
served by the best possible means, I mean forces, available.

The influences, ahh mean the impacts on one's behaviour are manifold and
complex, and often not under one's control. We cannot be aware of
everything. We firmly, ahh mean definitely believe, that we must always
prosecute any terrorist scholar who dares to cite the original source of
another author, and we shall CONTINUE to do so until all the academic
terrorists are rounded up and brought to justice.

Mah fellow Americans, I want you to know this is not a joke, and that all
government authorities dealing with this problem are being mobilised and are
held ready to respond. And I am talking about the Armed Forces, FBI, the
CIA, and a lot of intelligence agencies which I cannot tell you about
because after all, you as a taxpayer deserve to be protected from

There are terrorists in academia, and we must hunt them down, smoke them
out, and bring them to justice. Especially those with the suspicious looking
Afghan dogs, I don't like those, because did you know that terrorists put
bombs inside those dogs ? We hhave to put this in perspective, these are
conditions not seen since mah father fought in, err, was involved in the
second world warr.

So if you find any academic misquoting or alternatively failing to quote OR
ACHENOWLEDGE a source, you MUST act immediately by ringing this special
phone line set up especially for the purrpose, err I mean objective, by the
Pentagon, in which I have some personal friends eh eh, tsk tsk.

Ummerican intelligence survices ARE keeping a CLOSE watch for a SUSTAINED
peeriod of time on ALL suspected academics in order to study their
behayviour and identify passable sources of playcheguevaraism.

Altarnatively, you should call the Please, ahh mean Poleice, who will
process your query promptly ANDD may let you get home safely. And be sure to
take your dog, err I mean pet, to the vet anddd have it examined for
possible explosives, err weppens of mass destruckton.

Mah fellow Ummericans, the situation is urgent. The situation is dire, umm I
mean serious. Let us not forget, that playcheguevaraism is not just an
isshoe that uffects academic life, but is a reel isshoe in Ummerican
sosighty as a hole, umm I mean in general.

After all, how often does it not occur, that American citizens borrow things
from each other without acknowledging this ? This is wrong, damn wrong. Ahh
do not wish to err, talk about the Ummerican foreign debt at the present
time, I am talking about illegitimate borrowing which is also forbidden bah
the Bible, at least in my church, ahh place of worship. Quite simply, thou
shalt not covet thy naybores sources in any way.

Ahh did not get to where I am today through playgooearism, through
illegitimate borrowing and I DO NOT covet. I have been elected by a MAJORITY
vote in New Mexico, err Floorida on the basis of MAH OWN intelligence, MAH
OWN strength, MAH OWN lingoouage, and Ahh do not relie on anyboody ells to
put words into my mouth that I do not mean or WHICH can be constrood

Playgooarism is a cryme, a terrible crime, and in this hilay sofizzticated
infurmashun society, it is not always possible, I mean we are not always
able, to trace instances of playgooarism very quickly. This war will not be
won quickly, we must look forward to a long process, I mean a long war, err,
we cannot say right now where it will end, err, well you know what I mean it
is going to take a long time. But we WILL win and evil WILL be vanquished.

Thank you for your attention, and good night.

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