----- Original Message -----
From: "Louis Proyect" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I am preparing a lengthy reply to Charles Post, which involves a review
> a lot of material I've never looked at before--starting with Phil
> fascinating account of ties between NYC merchants and the Southern
> plantations. I was prompted to write about Locke after discovering in
> Oakes "Slavery and Freedom" that his ideas about political economy in
> general and slavery in particular were embraced by the slavocracy.
> Meanwhile Ellen Meiksins Wood views him as a kind of patron saint of the
> agrarian bourgeoisie in Great Britain, which was the vanguard of
> transformation. Meanwhile, Post views slavery and capitalism as
> antithetical. I do not and will explain why when I have gathered
> and digested all the relevant material.

Didn't Locke own stock in one of the Corporations/Colonies? The very SC
for which he helped draft the constitution?


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