[New York times]
July 28, 2003
New Rules Urged to Avert Looming Pension Crisis

Top government officials have begun a calibrated campaign to bring
attention to corporate pension plans, which they say may be on a road to
collapse. But underneath their measured words are proposals that could
fundamentally change the $1.6 trillion industry, altering the way pension
money is set aside and invested.

On Wednesday, the comptroller general placed the Pension Benefit Guaranty
Corporation, the agency that guarantees pensions, on a list of "high risk"
government operations. Elaine L. Chao, the secretary of labor, issued a
statement on the same day warning that the decades-old system in which
workers earn government-guaranteed pensions "is, unfortunately, at risk."

Treasury Secretary John W. Snow, a former railroad chief executive who had
responsibility for a $1.3 billion pension fund, warned recently that a
financial meltdown similar to the savings-and-loan collapse of 1989 might
be brewing.

Steven Kandarian, the executive director of the Pension Benefit Guaranty
Corporation, gave a speech earlier this month in which he foresaw a
possible "general revenue transfer" - polite words for a bailout of the
agency. Before being named to head the agency, Mr. Kandarian was a
founding partner and managing director of the private equities firm of
Orion Partners.

While officials want to underscore the dangers to retirement benefits that
millions of Americans count on, they do not want to frighten consumers,
roil financial markets or anger the companies that already put billions of
dollars into the system.

But some pension analysts, reading between the lines, say they think that
officials are not only looking at calling upon companies to put more money
into their ailing pension plans - a painful prospect at a time when cash
is tight - but also at the more radical remedy of encouraging funds to
reduce their heavy reliance on the stock market.

At issue are defined-benefit pensions, the type in which employers set
aside money years in advance to pay workers a predetermined monthly
stipend from retirement until death. Today, about 44 million
private-sector workers and retirees are covered by such plans. Three years
of negative market forces have wiped away billions of dollars from the
funds, triggering the defaults of some pension plans and leaving the rest
an estimated $350 billion short of what they need to fulfill their

Until recently, the idea that America's pension edifice was built on a
flawed foundation was preached by a tiny number of financial specialists
and considered heresy by almost everyone else. But after several years of
declines in the stock market, there is a growing argument that pension
managers, who have been investing most of their money in stocks for years,
should be in predictable bond investments that would mature when the money
will be needed, matching the retirement ages of their workers.

Now the view is gaining ground in academia, and getting a fair-minded
hearing by well-placed financial officials, who are incorporating some of
its reasoning in their pension proposals.

The measures they have put forward bear little resemblance to those
considered earlier this month in a rancorous House Ways and Means
Committee session. The House pension bill is more generous to business. If
enacted, it would lop tens of billions of dollars off the amounts
companies would pay into their pension funds in each of the next three
years. Businesses favor the bill's approach, but hoped to make its changes

Treasury officials say they think that this approach would put benefits at
risk, particularly at companies with older workers who will be claiming
their pensions soon.

"The fact of the matter is that more money is needed in those plans, to
ensure that older workers receive the benefits they have earned through
decades of hard work," said Peter R. Fisher, under secretary for domestic
finance, in testimony to a House subcommittee panel earlier this month.

The high number of pension funds that have defaulted has already severely
weakened the pension insurance agency, raising fears of a bailout. The
agency finances its operations by charging companies premiums, and it
still has enough cash flow to make all of its payments to retirees for

But its deficit has grown to record size, and it cannot keep absorbing
insolvent pension plans indefinitely. It could raise premiums, an
unpopular idea with companies, or in dire straights it could turn to the
taxpayers for more money. Permitting companies to pay less into their
pension plans would only increase the risk of such a bailout. Thus, the
Treasury's calls for what Mr. Fisher called a "comprehensive reform."

Unknown to most Americans, a small group of finance specialists has been
making the case for a number of years that pension funds are in danger
because their managers invest heavily in stocks. These analysts were
hooted at during the stock boom years of the 1990's, but in the aftermath
of a three-year bear market, their arguments are being considered more

Money managers of all sorts invest in stocks, of course, and no one is
questioning stocks for mutual funds, foundations or university endowments.
But pension funds are different, the argument goes, and they require a
different strategy: stocks when workers are young, perhaps, but later on,
as workers age, an ultraconservative portfolio of bonds, with durations
shortening as they approach retirement.

This type of pension investment strategy went out of style in the 1960's
and is little used today. (Life insurers make a notable exception, using
what they call duration-matched bonds when they issue annuities.) Stocks
are widely assumed to return more over time than bonds held to maturity,
and have therefore seemed a cheaper investment vehicle.

And the implications of a revival of the old strategies would be profound.
Pension funds, with assets worth roughly $1.6 trillion at the end of 2002,
make up a significant share of the stock market and help to drive its
movements. Suggestions that pensions might be safer if this money were
placed elsewhere are not warmly received on Wall Street.

If anything, corporate pension managers appear to be moving toward more
risk, not less. The composition of pension portfolios is not generally
disclosed, so trends are hard to track. But anecdotal evidence suggests
that pension managers are turning to hedge funds, real estate investment
trusts, emerging markets and other riskier investments, in an effort to
recoup the stock losses of the past three years.

Companies appear to be "making the smallest contributions allowed, while
taking investment risk in the hope that their gamble will pay off," said
Jeremy Gold, an outspoken advocate of duration-matched bonds for pensions

The notion that low-risk bonds might be the solution to the pension
problems, which sounds so radical to companies, is not being uttered by
cabinet members. Ms. Chao and Mr. Snow have drawn attention to the pension
problems, but have not put forward specific remedies. When he mentioned
the savings and loan crisis, in a meeting with reporters and editors of
The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Snow cautioned that he did not want to
overstate its similarities to today's pension difficulties.

Mr. Snow did go on to say, though, that the same ailment that felled the
savings and loan institutions in 1989 is now eating away at pension funds:
a mismatching of assets and liabilities. And he noted that, like the
savings and loan institutions, pensions are covered by a federal insurance
agency. The presence of a federal insurer in such cases is sometimes said
to promote riskier behavior.

The job of developing and putting forward a specific response to the
pension danger has been left to officials below cabinet rank, close to the
pension insurance agency. The Treasury's Mr. Fisher outlined the
administration's ideas in some detail in his Congressional testimony. He
recommended, foremost, a new way of calculating pension obligations, which
would take employee demographics into account. This method would recognize
that pension payments owed to workers retiring soonest need to be funded
more securely than those for much younger workers.

Mr. Fisher also called for less reliance on "smoothing," the practice of
averaging factors over several years when pension values are calculated.

Pension calculations involve the use of interest rates, but since
real-world interest rates zig-zag up and down, they are smoothed in an
effort to keep the pension numbers stable. Currently, the smoothed rate
used by actuaries is an average of historic rates from the past four

Mr. Fisher testified that four years was too long, and that this excessive
smoothing was causing the very volatility it was intended to reduce. This
happens, he said, because the smoothing blurs the true state of a pension
fund, masking deterioration for months at a stretch, until companies find
their plans are noncompliant and have to start pouring in money.

Reducing the excess smoothing would help companies avoid such unpleasant
surprises, Mr. Fisher said. He recommended moving gradually from the
four-year average to a 90-day average.

Pension specialists who have considered these remarks carefully say they
think that what Mr. Fisher is really describing is a way to shift pensions
into conservative bond investments. Mr. Fisher said nothing of this in his
testimony, but actuaries said the message was implicit: If smoothing is
phased out, pension values would start zig-zagging with interest rates,
unless managers moved into bonds.

Mr. Fisher declined to elaborate on his testimony.

Separately, Mr. Gold has testified that the administration proposals would
help to relieve the pressure on pensions. But he urged the administration
to go further "to encourage prudent behavior by plan managers."

Ron Gebhardtsbauer, senior pension fellow for the American Academy of
Actuaries, said the problem is that such prudent behavior would cost
companies more.

"Employers kind of like having stocks in there," Mr. Gebhardtsbauer said.
"It makes the pension plan cheaper."

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