this is a good post, because it's specific in its critique. This is something that 
might be answered, though I doubt anyone's interested in doing so.

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: Mike Ballard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Sat 8/9/2003 10:52 PM 
        To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Subject: Re: [PEN-L] The Road to Serfdom

        --- andie nachgeborenen
        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
        > --- "Devine, James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
        > > JKS refers to > the well worn territory of how
        > > markets are BAD<
        > >
        > > actually, my understanding is that (except for
        > Mike
        > > B), the main trend of the anti-"market socialism"
        > > side was not  that markets are "BAD." (Could you
        > > name someone who says that markets are evil?)
        > Right here, right now, Mike Ballard.
        Hi Jim and Andie,
        Just to be clear and without religious overtone: I
        don't think that markets are evil.  I think that we
        need to realize that we (who are not capitalists) are
        the market and the producers.
        I think that exchange-value needs to be stripped away
        from use-value and disgarded.  I think that it has now
        been historically demonstrated that commodity
        production/consumption undermines any attempt to
        achieve socialism.  I think that wage-labour has
        outlived its usefulness for humankind.  I think that
        commodity production is inherently alienating, always
        leading away from social ownership of the means of
        production, self-management and towards the
        continuation of hierarchical-political power over the
        Mike B)
        Cognitive dissonance is the inner conflict produced when long-standing beliefs 
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