Financial Times; Aug 26, 2003

COMMENT: A modest proposal for China's renminbi

By Morris Goldstein and Nicholas Lardy

The current debate on the renminbi exchange rate is appropriate given
China's role as a leading economic and trading power. But the debate has
become so politicised that crucial facts are being ignored and dubious
arguments are replacing sound analysis. A medium-size revaluation of the
currency may not be as "sexy" as a large revaluation or no revaluation but
it rests on a firmer foundation and is more consistent with China's
long-term interest.

Those arguing for a large revaluation of the renminbi - 35 per cent or
more - sometimes confuse bilateral trade balances with overall current
account balances. While China is running a large ($100bn in 2002)
bilateral trade surplus with the US, its trade balance with the rest of
the world is in deficit, at $75bn (£47bn).Bilateral trade balances are
especially misleading in this case because China processes goods
previously exported to industrial countries by other emerging Asian

During the first half of this year, China's current account surplus
declined to about 1 per cent of gross domestic product. Adjusting for the
recent overheating of its economy and other factors, China's underlying
current account surplus is probably no greater than 2 or 3 per cent of

China's capital account surplus is often overestimated by focusing too
much on foreign direct investment. The overall capital account surplus
during the 1999-2002 period averaged a modest 1 per cent of GDP - far
below the 4 per cent surplus for FDI.

When China does liberalise capital account outflows, there will be
downward pressure on the renminbi. With a stock of household savings equal
to about 100 per cent of GDP, it would not take much international
diversification to turn net capital flows from surplus to deficit.

China's build-up of $135bn in international reserves over the past 18
months does not imply that it is passing up profitable investment
opportunities. The investment share of GDP and the rate of expansion of
bank lending are both too high. The real risk of an undervalued exchange
rate is that it will handicap China's efforts to achieve long-term
financial stability.

Those who maintain that a revaluation of the renminbi is unnecessary have
done no better in their analysis. As long as China maintains controls on
capital outflows, runs surpluses on both the underlying current account
and capital account and accumulates reserves, there is a compelling
argument that the renminbi is undervalued. Export processing means that it
takes a larger revaluation to change China's trade balance.

China's average import tariff rate has fallen following entry to the World
Trade Organisation and future trade reform is likely to expand imports
further. But clothing, one of China's main exports, is likely to receive a
big boost from the scheduled expiry of the multi-fibre agreement at the
end of 2004, potentially doubling China's share of the market. Thus, China
will not necessarily switch to running current account deficits in the

China's exchange rate cannot be analysed in isolation from the pattern of
global payment imbalances. At 5 per cent to 6 per cent of GDP, the US
current account deficit is not sustainable and its correction would be
aided by a further depreciation of the dollar.

But an appropriate dollar depreciation will be frustrated if the Asian
economies do not do their part on currency appreciation. China has a
weight of nearly 10 per cent in the dollar's trade-weighted index and an
appreciation of the renminbi is a sine qua non for Asian currencies to
appreciate more generally.

Consumer prices have risen over the past two quarters and, with monetary
growth expanding and good prospects for economic growth, exports and FDI,
renmimbi appreciation need not drive China into Japan-style deflation, as
some have argued.

If China does not adjust its exchange rate, it risks further
over-expansion in its financial sector, a reversal of the progress made
against its bad loan problem, an upsurge of protectionism in the US and
Europe against China's exports and increased regional tensions within
Asia. A medium-size revaluation of the renminbi - between 15 and 25 per
cent - would be the best response to the current disequilibria. It would
be an investment in China's financial stability and could set the stage
for a wider international agreement on a more sustainable pattern of
exchange rates and payments positions. By acting soon, China can lead the

The writers are senior fellows at the Institute for International

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