of course, it's not really Labor Day today. That's on May 1.

        -----Original Message----- 
        From: Mike Ballard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Sent: Mon 9/1/2003 12:52 PM 
        To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
        Subject: Re: [PEN-L] labor stats.

        The workers of the world are ruled and fooled by
        shysters and, it would seem from this information,
        American workers are the biggest fools of all.  Ah but
        that's the wages system for you.  A fair day's wage,
        indeed.  Where does the wealth and (by extension)
        political power go when workers go home from their
        places of employment?
        (This is NOT a Zen koan.)
        To Capital's control, of course........sure they get
        some of it to grow out of the barrels of their hired
        guns.  I mean, what are States for anyway.
        For the works!
        Mike B)
        --- Eubulides <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
        > < http://www.ilo.org/ >
        > Study: Americans Most Productive Workers
        > The Associated Press
        > Monday, September 1, 2003; 3:38 AM
        > GENEVA - The U.S. worker is the most productive in
        > the world, boosted by
        > the use of new information and communication
        > technologies, according to a
        > study released Monday by the United Nations labor
        > agency.
        > However, American employees also work longer hours,
        > and three European
        > countries - Norway, France and Belgium - beat the
        > Americans in
        > productivity per hour, the International Labor
        > Organization said in its
        > new issue of Key Indicators of the Labor Market.
        > The output per U.S. worker last year was $60,728,
        > the report said.
        > Belgium, the highest-scoring European Union member,
        > had an output of
        > $54,333 per worker.
        > "Part of the difference in output per worker was due
        > to the fact that
        > Americans worked longer hours than their European
        > counterparts," the ILO
        > said. "U.S. workers put in an average of 1,825 hours
        > in 2002."
        > Japanese worked about the same number of hours as
        > Americans, but in major
        > European economies the average ranged from 1,300 to
        > 1,800 hours, it said.
        > "In terms of output per person employed, the U.S. is
        > on top," said
        > Dorothea Schmidt, an economist on the team that
        > produced the 855-page
        > report.
        > "In terms of output per hour we have three European
        > countries doing better
        > than the U.S. ... and they have done so ever since
        > the mid-80s."
        > Norwegians lead the world with an output of $38 per
        > hour worked last year.
        > French workers were in second place, averaging $35
        > an hour, the report
        > said. Belgians were third at $34, followed by
        > Americans at $32.
        > The high overall U.S. productivity resulted from two
        > factors, the report
        > said.
        > The first is that the U.S. economy provides an
        > environment for widespread
        > use of information and communications technology.
        > The second is that it
        > has had more growth of wholesale and retail trade
        > and financial securities
        > using the technology.
        > Schmidt said there are "many, many reasons" why the
        > three countries
        > outscored the United States.
        > "One might be that during the time that these people
        > work, they work more
        > efficiently," she said. "It might be that the
        > technology they use enables
        > them to be more efficient in this one hour."
        > But Schmidt said the differences were not that
        > great.
        > "It's not that they do twice the work that a U.S.
        > worker does," she said.
        > "It's the small things. If you work 15 hours a day,
        > of course there are
        > hours when you are not as productive as if you only
        > work six hours a day."
        > But working less is not necessarily the key, as
        > shown by most other
        > European Union countries that trail the United
        > States, she said. It also
        > depends on such factors as motivation, skills and
        Common sense is the collection of prejudices acquired by age 18.
        Albert Einstein
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