Jim Devine,

You wrote:

a rising yuan (relative to the US$) would eventually cut China's trade
surplus with the US. By lowering >the US trade deficit, it would reduce the
US demand for funds (supply of US bonds) at the same time >it lowered
China's supply of funds (demand for US bonds). It's hard to say which would
win and which >way US interest rates would have to go. However, it would
definitely stimulate US net exports and >hurt China's net exports.

I now write:

Perhaps it's just a trademark case of squeezing the evidence to fit an _a
priori_ theory, but
I don't think a yuan-dollar readjustment would bring about such
equilibrating results. Why not?
If the yuan is revalued, China and perhaps even Japan will progressively
bail on their dollar-denominated
asset holdings. There will probably be some kind of cascading effect: forex
speculators will prompt central banks the world over to gnaw away at the US'
seignorage privileges. US exporters, especially
in sunset industries, cannot compete in the world market simply on the basis
of the cheap dollar. They
need capital deepening and capital widening investment. It will be tough for
US manufacturers to
add newer, better plant and equipment if the U.S. seignorage privileges are
attacked, because the
cost of borrowing will be so much higher. Just one possible concatenation of
cause-and-effect, I suppose.

Also, a decline in Chinese exports to the US may alleviate the US'
merchanside trade deficit to some degree, but it is revenues from those very
Chinese exports that are propping up the dollar !!! If, say,
European exports to the US partially displace Chinese exports to the US, the
revenues from these
European exports will not go toward supporting the dollar, but rather the
euro. With attendant results
outlined above.

OK, I must curb my obsession with this thread.

John Gulick
Assistant Professor
Department of Sociology
University of Tennessee
916 McClung Tower
Knoxville, TN 37996
work phone: 865 974 7029
fax: 865 974 7013

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