here's a comment from one of the best political minds in America today [irony alert!]. 
For those who don't know, Senator Dianne Feinstein is a Democrat. 

Dear Mr. Devine:

     Thank you for writing me regarding the future of Iraq. I appreciate hearing from 
you on
this important issue.

     Throughout the majority of Iraq, the regime of Saddam Hussein has been defeated 
removed from power. Despite our success in freeing the Iraqi people, our military 
continues to
encounter resistance throughout the country and must maintain a presence until an 
authority can be established to restore order and begin helping the Iraqi people 
reconstitute their
basic social services.

     So, as the fighting stops and as the remnants of the regime are removed, we must 
take the
lead in rebuilding the Iraqi nation, in stabilizing its new government, in providing 
interim security
to prevent the emergence of tribal hostilities and to see that Iraq is no longer a 
producer of
weapons of mass destruction. 

     I am hopeful that all Iraqis of every ethnic and faith group, large and small, 
will be
engaged in the process to establish a new Iraq.  I firmly believe that the U.S. should 
work closely
with the United Nations and our allies in the reconstruction of Iraq.

     It is essential to demonstrate to Muslims everywhere that the United States, 
while a
powerful nation, is motivated by a sincere desire to one day see the entire world 
safe, prosperous,
and free.

     Again, thank you for writing.  I hope you will continue to keep me informed of 
your views
and concerns.  If you should have any further questions or comments, please do not 
hesitate to
contact my Washington, D.C. staff at (202) 224-3841.


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