[would any of the China Study Group members care to comment on the below?]

[New York Times]
September 16, 2003
China Told Not to Relax Yuan Limits

HONG KONG, Sept. 15 - Credit-rating agencies strongly warned today that
China should not let its currency appreciate soon or relax controls on the
movement of large sums of money in and out of the country, as the Bush
administration has asked. The Chinese banking system was not ready, the
rating agencies said.

An increase in the currency's value in foreign exchange markets "would
place additional strain on an already insolvent banking system," said Paul
Coughlin, the managing director for Asian government and corporate ratings
at Standard & Poor's, the world's largest credit-rating company.

If China allows currency appreciation and relaxes controls, the Chinese
government's credit rating, "would undoubtedly be under a lot of downward
pressure," Mr. Coughlin said in a conference call with reporters.

Wei Yen, the Chinese banking analyst at Moody's Investors Service, agreed
in a separate telephone interview that currency revaluation or a reduction
in capital controls could be harmful to China's credit rating. Chinese
bank depositors would eagerly invest overseas if they could, he said, and
this would deprive Chinese banks of the constant inflow of fresh deposits
they need to continue making new loans even as many old loans are not

"Right now, the banks are held together by liquidity, by depositors," he

China's four main government-owned banks already rank among the most
insolvent in the world, failing to collect timely interest and principal
payments on nearly half their loans. The possibility of a Chinese banking
crisis has been rising toward the top of Western experts' lists of what
could cause political instability in China, and the problem has been
receiving top-level attention from China's leaders.

In the latest sign of Beijing's deepening concern, the official New China
News Agency reported tonight that the China Banking Regulatory Commission
had sent inspectors to visit the four big banks to review the prudence of
their recent loans. The People's Bank of China, the country's central
bank, has been expressing worry that the bad debt problem may worsen and
that sectors of the economy may overheat because of a recent frenzy of
lending, often to speculative real estate projects.

The news agency noted with unusual bluntness that the central bank's
monetary policy department had "warned against possible high inflation"
because of rapid growth in the money supply.

China's banks lent more in the first seven months of this year than in all
of last year. The central bank ordered banks on Aug. 23 to keep larger
reserves on deposit with it, in a bid to slow the lending.

But that decision is also pushing up interest rates in China's relatively
small and illiquid debt markets, which makes it harder for the government
to finance its large and persistent budget deficits. The finance ministry
failed today to auction all of a new bond issue, with a third of the bonds
left unsold after many potential buyers refused to bid the ministry's
minimum price. In essence, buyers demanded a higher interest rate than the
ministry was willing to pay.

With American politicians increasingly blaming imports from China for
unemployment in the United States, Treasury Secretary John W. Snow visited
Beijing nearly two weeks ago to ask for a revaluation of China's currency,
known as the yuan or renminbi, and some relaxation of China's controls on
capital movement. Chinese officials repeated previous promises to pursue
greater flexibility someday, but made no promises on any timetable. They
did, however, offer a series of small adjustments to capital controls,
like making it a little easier for foreigners to invest in Chinese
securities and for the Chinese to invest in foreign securities.

Finance ministers from the European Union, the United States and Japan
have all been pressing for a rise in the yuan, and are expected to discuss
the issue at a meeting this weekend in Dubai of the finance ministers from
the Group of Seven leading industrial countries plus Russia.

Government-controlled media reported today that a member of the central
bank's monetary policy committee, Li Yang, had said that the government
might at some point allow the yuan to trade in a somewhat wider band about
8.28 to the dollar. The central bank has been keeping the yuan very close
to that level by spending hundreds of billions of yuan to buy tens of
billions of dollars as they flow into the country, so as to prevent
investors with dollars from bidding up the value of the yuan. Traders have
already been using markets for forward currency contracts to place bets
that the yuan will appreciate in the coming year despite Beijing's
opposition; prices in these markets briefly touched a new record today.

Zhou Xiaochuan, the governor of the People's Bank of China, said early
this month that his country would consider linking the yuan to a basket of
currencies including the dollar.

But Mr. Coughlin said that any move to peg the yuan to a group of
currencies should be done gradually, perhaps three to five years from now,
so that Chinese banks could begin learning how to manage the risks
associated with currency market volatility. The shift to a basket of
currencies, he contended, should also be made without changing the yuan's
immediate value relative to the dollar, so as to let Chinese banks adapt
to currency fluctuations without trying to cope with a revaluation at the
same time.

The weak financial controls at Chinese banks, Mr. Coughlin warned,
combined with regulators' incomplete information about the banks'
international dealings, mean not only that the banks are very unlikely to
be hedged adequately against a sharp move in the yuan's value, but also
that their losses cannot even be estimated in advance. "You wouldn't know
what the damage would be until you've done it," he said.

China's reluctance to take decisive measures quickly has fueled calls in
Congress for the United States to impose tariffs or take other actions to
limit imports from China. But Ping Chew, the director of Asian sovereign
ratings at Standard & Poor's, pointed out that while China is running
record surpluses with the United States, China's overall balance of trade
is only slightly positive as China runs deficits with other countries,
suggesting that the trade deficit may be caused to a considerable extent
by American policies and not China's.

Standard & Poor's currently has a BBB rating on the Chinese government's
long-term foreign currency debt, with a positive outlook, while Moody's
has a somewhat higher rating of A-3, also with a positive outlook.

Mr. Zhou is scheduled to deliver a rare speech here on Thursday night at a
dinner sponsored by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority. His visit has
sparked speculation in Hong Kong's financial sector that China might be
close to authorizing limited offshore banking in Hong Kong, allowing banks
here to take deposits and lend in yuan.

But economists here with strong connections in Beijing have become
increasingly skeptical that Mr. Zhou will announce such concessions. Hong
Kong's chief executive, Tung Chee-hwa, withdrew on Sept. 5 his proposal
for stringent internal-security legislation, a plan that Beijing had
previously supported through a series of policy changes to help Hong
Kong's struggling economy.

Joan Zheng, the chief China economist at J. P. Morgan, said that even
letting Hong Kong banks take yuan deposits from some mainland tourists now
entering the territory could be a potential threat to China's banking

Shanghai officials, who are trying to build a financial services industry
despite a couple recent scandals, have also been publicly leery of letting
Hong Kong, with its tighter regulatory system, lengthen its lead as
China's financial center.

Shanghai's mayor, Han Zheng, told the South China Morning Post last week
that Hong Kong was decades ahead of Shanghai, saying that his city was
still like a child trying to catch up with "mature and sophisticated" Hong

To this day, no one has come up with a set of rules for
originality. There aren't any. [Les Paul]

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