States of war

Appeasing the armed forces has become a political necessity for the
American president

George Monbiot
Tuesday October 14, 2003
The Guardian

The relationship between governments and those who seek favours from them
has changed. Not long ago, lobbyists would visit politicians and bribe or
threaten them until they got what they wanted. Today, ministers lobby the

Whenever a big business pressure group holds its annual conference or
dinner, Tony Blair or Gordon Brown or another senior minister will come
and beg it not to persecute the government. George Bush flies around the
United States, flattering the companies that might support his
re-election, offering tax breaks and subsidies even before the companies
ask for them.

But while we are slowly becoming aware of the corporate capture of our
governments, we seem to have overlooked the growing power of another
recipient of this back-to-front lobbying. In the United States, a sort of
reverse military coup appears to be taking place.

Both the president and the opposition seem to be offering the armed
forces, though they do not appear to have requested it, an ever greater
share of the business of government.

Every week, the state department makes a list of Mr Bush's most important
speeches and visits, to distribute to US embassies around the world. The
embassy in London has a public archive dating from June last year. During
this period, Bush has made 41 major speeches to live audiences. Of these,
14 - just over a third - were delivered to military personnel or veterans.

Now Bush, of course, is commander-in-chief as well as president, and he
has every right to address the troops. But this commander-in-chief goes
far beyond the patriotic blandishments of previous leaders. He sometimes
dresses up in the uniform of the troops he is meeting.

He quotes their mottoes and songs, retells their internal jokes, mimics
their slang. He informs the "dog-faced soldiers" that they are "the rock
of Marne", or asks naval cadets whether they gave "the left-handed salute
to Tecumseh, the God of 2.0". The television audience is mystified, but
the men love him for it. He is, or so his speeches suggest, one of them.

He starts by leading them in chants of "Hoo-ah! Hoo-ah!", then plasters
them with praise and reminds them that their pay, healthcare and housing
(unlike those of any other workers in America) are being upgraded. After
this, they will cheer everything he says. So he uses these occasions to
attack his opponents and announce new and often controversial policies.

The marines were the first to be told about his interstate electricity
grid; he instructed the American Legion about the reform of the Medicare
programme; last week he explained his plans for the taxation of small
businesses to the national guard. The troops may not have the faintest
idea what he's talking about, but they cheer him to the rafters anyway.
After that, implementing these policies looks like a patriotic duty.

This strikes me as an abuse of his position as commander-in-chief, rather
like the use of Air Force One (the presidential aeroplane) for political
fundraising tours. The war against terror is a feeble excuse. Indeed, all
this began long before September 2001; between February and August that
year he gave eight major speeches to the military, some of which were
stuffed with policy announcements.

But there is a lot more at stake than merely casting the cloak of
patriotism over his corporate welfare programmes. Appeasing the armed
forces has become, for President Bush, a political necessity. He cannot
win the next election without them. Unless he can destroy the resistance
in Iraq, the resistance will destroy his political career. But crushing it
requires the continuous presence of a vast professional army and tens of
thousands of reservists.

There is plenty of evidence to suggest that the troops do not want to be
there, and that at least some of their generals regard the invasion as
poorly planned. At the moment, Bush is using Donald Rumsfeld, the defence
secretary, as his lightning conductor, just as Blair is using Geoff Hoon.
But if he is to continue to deflect the anger of the troops, the president
must give them everything they might want, whether or not they have asked
for it.

This is one of the reasons for a military budget that is now entirely
detached from any possible strategic reality. As the World Socialist
website has pointed out, when you add together the $368bn for routine
spending, the $19bn assigned to the department of energy for new nuclear
weapons, the $79bn already passed by Congress to fund the war in Iraq and
the $87bn that Bush has just requested to sustain it, you find that the US
federal government is now spending as much on war as it is on education,
public health, housing, employment, pensions, food aid and welfare put

You would expect this sort of allocation from a third world military
dictatorship. But all this has come from a civilian leadership. It is not
just Bush. Such is the success of his re-ordering of national priorities,
not a single Democrat on the congressional appropriations panel dared to
challenge the government's latest request.

Bush's other big problem, which has quietly tracked him ever since he
declared his candidacy, is that he is a draft-dodger who failed even to
discharge his duties as a national guardsman, while some of his most
prominent political opponents are war heroes and generals.

To win the Republican nomination, he had to beat John McCain, the fighter
pilot and prisoner of war who won the silver star, bronze star, purple
heart, legion of merit and distinguished flying cross for his bravery in
Vietnam. To go to war with Iraq, Bush had to overcome the resistance of
his secretary of state Colin Powell, the general who was formerly the
chairman of the joint chiefs of staff.

To win the next election, he may have to beat Wesley Clark, who was the
commander of Nato forces during the war in Yugoslavia and is currently the
Democrats' favoured candidate. Bush's reverse coup has meant that the
Democrats must suck up to the armed forces as well, in order to be seen as
a patriotic party. Wesley Clark's campaigning slogan is "a new American

The last general to have been appointed president, though as belligerent
as any other, understood that there was a potential conflict between his
two public roles. As a result, Dwight Eisenhower never wore a uniform
while in office, or engaged in the hooting and chest-thumping with which
George Bush greets his troops. His warning about the dangers of failing to
contain "the military-industrial complex" has been forgotten.

Tony Blair has also played the tin soldier, but with less success. He was
the first western leader to arrive in Iraq after George Bush prematurely
announced victory there. But when he addressed the troops, they remained
silent. I am told by a good source that the generals are furious with him
for sending them to war on false pretences.

But in America, the armed forces, whether they want it or not, are being
dragged into the heart of political life. A mature democracy is in danger
of turning itself into a military state.

To this day, no one has come up with a set of rules for
originality. There aren't any. [Les Paul]

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