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[New York Times]
November 2, 2003
China's Factories Aim to Fill the World's Garages

SHANGHAI - China, long a nation of pedestrians, cyclists and buses, is
undergoing an automobile revolution. Sales of cars, vans, pickup trucks
and sport utility vehicles here overtook similar sales in Germany this
year, and production surpassed South Korea's.

For now, most of the cars and light trucks made here are sold here. But
China - already the world's dominant manufacturer of products from toys to
facsimile machines to furniture - is laying plans to become a big exporter
of cars. Automakers are producing cars here to the same designs that they
use in the United States, with Honda making Accords in Guangzhou that are
identical to those it manufactures in Ohio.

China's auto industry, mainly local companies in joint ventures with
multinationals, is not internationally competitive because of quality
problems and startlingly inefficient parts factories. Workers at
Dickensian foundries filled with acrid green fumes still ladle chemical
additives into buckets of molten steel, then tip the buckets by hand to
pour the steel into molds for auto parts.

China's auto exports to the United States mostly consist now of
replacement parts shipped to repair garages, because automakers have been
reluctant to make their assembly plants reliant on Chinese suppliers. But
with broad support from Beijing and foreign investors, manufacturers in
China are quickly improving operations - and staffing them with workers
earning as little as 50 cents an hour. In a few years, they are likely to
be building high-quality cars and parts for as little as, or less than,
anyone else in the world. Analysts say that China could surpass Germany as
the world's No. 3 carmaking country in four years.

Executives at each major automaker say the combination of low costs and
strong demand gives them no choice but to invest heavily here or risk bein
g left behind. "Our competitors have reached the same conclusion," said
Frederick A. Henderson, the president of G.M.'s Asian and Pacific

The growth of auto manufacturing in China - the number of cars and light
trucks produced has jumped to 3.8 million from 1.8 million over the last
three years, compared with 12 million now in the United States, 10 million
in Japan and 4.8 million in Germany - has enormous implications not only
for this country but for economies around the world.

In China, where about four million families own cars and about one million
more buy cars each year, this means that millions of citizens can travel
more widely, somewhat eroding the political and social controls that the
Communist Party has long imposed. Rising auto production, for sale to
state-owned enterprises as well as families, has fostered the rapid
expansion of a long list of other industries that mainly rely on sales to
automakers, including steel producers. It is helping to create a consumer
credit industry.

But putting China on wheels has also created terrible traffic jams, a
rising death rate in a country with an atrocious traffic safety record,
and severe air pollution in a country that already has 7 of the world's 10
most polluted cities.

Worldwide Worries The automaking boom in China worries many businesses and
workers in many nations. International companies that build factories in
China as they expand do not need to hire as many workers in their home
markets, and may lay off some. The Cooper Tire & Rubber Company, for
example, said last month that it would ship tire making equipment from its
factory in Albany, Ga., to a company in in Hangzhou and buy as many as
300,000 truck tires a year from the Chinese company. At the same time,
Cooper said it would expand production in Georgia of higher-performance
tires, but would not expand its labor force to do so.

China's success is also a threat to other countries, mostly close American
allies, where auto parts are made, including Mexico, South Korea, Thailand
and the Philippines.

Union leaders in industrialized countries are making low-wage competition
from China a political issue. Competing on wages "is a race to the
bottom," said Ron Gettelfinger, president of the United Auto Workers. "And
no one wins a race to the bottom."

Auto sales in China have jumped in the last two years as two decades of
some of the world's fastest economic growth have finally lifted millions
of city dwellers to nearly Western standards of living.

The domestic market alone is giving automakers and auto parts makers the
economies of scale they need to compete internationally.

Automakers here should be ready to export cars to other Asian markets in
several years, and later to industrialized markets like the United States
and the European Union.

Bernd Leissner, the president of Volkswagen Asia-Pacific, the foreign
automaker with the biggest share of the Chinese market, estimates that it
still costs 18 percent more to produce a car in China than in an
industrialized country like Germany. But with new steel mills and parts
factories opening at a brisk pace, that gap will disappear by 2006, he
said. "Our target is to become export ready as soon as possible," he said.

Problems With Production Visits to auto assembly plants and auto factories
across China show why it will be a few more years before this country
poses a serious threat to Detroit or Stuttgart, Germany, even though a few
parts are already exported and General Motors plans to start shipping
Chinese-made engines to a Canadian assembly plant this year.

At Honda's plant in Guangzhou, in southeastern China, 90 percent of the
steel for the new Accord sedans and Odyssey minivans must be imported from
Japan despite steep shipping costs. Chinese mills cannot make
corrosion-resistant steel that meets Honda's standards.

In Harbin, in northernmost China, Hafei, a Chinese manufacturer, has
erected a factory with the latest Swedish and Japanese robots. But
deliveries of steel are so irregular, because of shortages and the
decrepit railroad system, that the factory must absorb the considerable
cost of keeping steel for two months on hand - enough for 50,000 cars.

In Chongqing, in western China, Ford has built a modern assembly plant.
But Ford has found that many of the auto parts to build the cars must be
imported by ship to Shanghai and then brought up the Yangtze River by

And at an Asimco foundry in Langfang, in northeastern China, Fan Dong-bo,
37, still ladles chemical additives into a bucket of molten steel, then
turns a wheel on the side of the bucket to tip the red-hot steel into
molds for auto parts. Foundries like this one are beginning to ship
castings to the United States, where foundries are closing because of
environmental regulations.

Recent quality improvements have come with extra costs, too. Volkswagen
has been able to reach international quality standards for cars made in
China, Mr. Leissner said, but only because suppliers sometimes must
discard large numbers of substandard parts, which drives up costs.
Volkswagen also uses many imported parts.

But new equipment and new production processes in assembly plants are
starting to address these problems. A factory complex built here by a
General Motors joint venture with the Shanghai Automotive Industry
Corporation looks very much like G.M. factories in the United States.

Capitalism in Action The rise of the Chinese auto industry is a remarkable
story of capitalism, as China's dismantling of trade barriers as part of
its entry into the World Trade Organization in 2001 has prompted a
ruthless struggle by companies to become efficient enough to fend off any

Automakers and parts makers in China appear to have been successful, as
imports have risen only slowly while production costs have plunged. The
sticker price of a Honda Accord, for example, has tumbled from $50,000 to
$27,000 in four years.

For all its strengths, the Chinese auto industry, like the Chinese economy
as a whole and perhaps like China's political system and even society, is
a mountain created on a very narrow and possibly wobbly base. Aggressive
lending by government-owned banks has been stimulating the economy for
years - even though many debts are never repaid, to the point that Chinese
banks now have portfolios of bad loans rivaling those of Japanese banks,
but in an economy that is one-seventh the size.

If economic growth ever falters significantly and banks stop collecting
their current flood of deposits from China's ever more prosperous people,
a financial crisis could ensue that would cripple China's auto industry
and many other industries. If such a crisis were to happen soon, before
China's auto industry brings its costs down to international levels, then
automakers could be discouraged from making further investments. But if
China can keep growing for a few more years and become competitive, a
downturn in domestic sales could unleash a flood of Chinese cars onto
world markets.

Another potential difficulty lies in China's rigid political system. It is
hard for any outsider to judge how stable China really is, as
ill-organized protests and riots appear to occur frequently in smaller
cities, even as the Communist Party prevents these disturbances from
becoming coordinated to an extent that might threaten its legal monopoly
on political power. Large-scale social unrest could seriously disrupt
China's auto industry and economy as a whole.

The biggest question these days in the Chinese auto industry is how much
longer domestic sales will continue to grow at their recent, rapid pace.
Some warning signs are already apparent that automobile ownership remains
restricted to a very small but wealthy urban elite and not a broadening
middle class.

Henry Ford won worldwide fame nine decades ago by doubling factory
workers' wages, a step that allowed to buy cars if they saved enough. But
workers like Bi Hong-jian, 20, who leads a team of employees installing
seat tracks in Honda Odyssey minivans in Guangzhou, earn just $240
monthly, while autoworkers in cities farther west, like Chongqing, earn
even less.

"Everyone wants a car, it's a dream, but to me it is difficult, it's too
expensive," Mr. Bi said during a break from his work on the line.

Car dealerships have had few repeat customers. In the King Full Motor
Sales dealership in Zhanjiang, in southernmost China, fully 70 percent of
the buyers here had never owned a car, a figure in line with the national
pattern. The sales staff spends more time explaining the cars than selling

Automakers are erecting factories on the assumption that repeat customers
will become more common and that new buyers will continue entering the
market. If anything, the biggest fear now among executives is not having
enough capacity.

Like many automakers facing worried union leaders at home, G.M. insists it
only plans to serve the domestic market here, and does not plan to ship
cars to the United States.

The only automaker with explicit plans to export assembled cars to
industrialized countries is Honda. Koji Kadowaki, the president of Honda's
Guangzhou operations, said Honda would export cars to Europe from an
assembly plant Honda has begun building in Guangzhou, although he declined
to identify which countries would get the cars.

Honda is a special case, however, because it has a shortage of assembly
plant capacity in Europe and faces European trade barriers to increased
exports from Japan. Exports from China, even if costly, could avoid those

Yet China has a long way to go. Even seemingly simple parts like rubber
sealings can prove hard to make. The experience of Steven Zhao, the
general manager of an Asimco brake assembly factory in Guangzhou, shows
the obstacles and potential of China's parts industry.

To make brakes for cars that are built and sold in China by General
Motors, Ford, Peugeot, Renault and Nissan, his workers rely mostly on
bolting together imported parts. Even a small spring is imported because
Chinese suppliers are too likely to weaken the steel in bending it into
shape, said Mr. Zhao, a former Alcoa manager.

But such hurdles are not discouraging anyone. "The market has always
outraced our ability to keep up with it," said Phil Murtaugh, the chairman
of G.M. China.

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