Jurriaan Bendien wrote

We only make progress if we extract the hidden logic behind the metaphors
that paralyse our thinking.

Yes. True. Interestingly enough, the following was posted to LBO a few
days ago. I knew Lakoff at UC Berkeley when his star was rising. He was
doing interesting work and so was his ex wife, Robin Lakoff. There's a
lot to work through in his observations and suggestions, and I would be
interested in a discussion if anyone cares to respond.

I'm in deadline mode at work right now, which is why I haven't forwarded
this sooner. But, hell, there's always the very late evening hours...



Message: 3
From: "alex lantsberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sat, 1 Nov 2003 13:14:39 -0800
Subject: [lbo-talk] Lakoff on language and politics

Framing the issues: UC Berkeley professor George Lakoff
tells how conservatives use language to dominate politics

By Bonnie Azab Powell,
NewsCenter | 27 October 2003

BERKELEY With Republicans controlling the Senate, the
House, and the White House and enjoying a large margin of
victory for California Governor-elect Arnold
Schwarzenegger, it's clear that the Democratic Party is in
crisis. George Lakoff, a UC Berkeley professor of
linguistics and cognitive science, thinks he knows why.
Conservatives have spent decades defining their ideas,
carefully choosing the language with which to present them,
and building an infrastructure to communicate them, says

The work has paid off: by dictating the terms of national
debate, conservatives have put progressives firmly on the

In 2000 Lakoff and seven other faculty members from
Berkeley and UC Davis joined together to found the
Rockridge Institute, one of the only progressive think
tanks in existence in the U.S. The institute offers its
expertise and research on a nonpartisan basis to help
progressives understand how best to get their messages
across. The Richard & Rhoda Goldman Distinguished Professor
in the College of Letters & Science, Lakoff is the author
of "Moral Politics: How Liberals and Conservatives Think,"
first published in 1997 and reissued in 2002, as well as
several other books on how language affects our lives. He
is taking a sabbatical this year to write three books ?
none about politics ? and to work on several Rockridge
Institute research projects.

In a long conversation over coffee at the Free Speech
Movement Café, he told the NewsCenter's Bonnie Azab Powell
why the Democrats "just don't get it," why Schwarzenegger
won the recall election, and why conservatives will
continue to define the issues up for debate for the
foreseeable future.

Why was the Rockridge Institute created, and how do you
define its purpose?

I got tired of cursing the newspaper every morning. I got
tired of seeing what was going wrong and not being able to
do anything about it.

The background for Rockridge is that conservatives,
especially conservative think tanks, have framed virtually
every issue from their perspective. They have put a huge
amount of money into creating the language for their
worldview and getting it out there. Progressives have done
virtually nothing. Even the new Center for American
Progress, the think tank that John Podesta [former chief of
staff for the Clinton administration] is setting up, is not
dedicated to this at all. I asked Podesta who was going to
do the Center's framing. He got a blank look, thought for a
second and then said, "You!" Which meant they haven't
thought about it at all. And that's the problem. Liberals
don't get it. They don't understand what it is they have to
be doing.

Rockridge's job is to reframe public debate, to create
balance from a progressive perspective. It's one thing to
analyze language and thought, it's another thing to create
it. That's what we're about. It's a matter of asking 'What
are the central ideas of progressive thought from a moral

How does language influence the terms of political debate?

Language always comes with what is called "framing." Every
word is defined relative to a conceptual framework. If you
have something like "revolt," that implies a population
that is being ruled unfairly, or assumes it is being ruled
unfairly, and that they are throwing off their rulers,
which would be considered a good thing. That's a frame.

'Conservatives understand what unites them, and they
understand how to talk about it, and they are constantly
updating their research on how best to express their
-George Lakoff

If you then add the word "voter" in front of "revolt," you
get a metaphorical meaning saying that the voters are the
oppressed people, the governor is the oppressive ruler,
that they have ousted him and this is a good thing and all
things are good now. All of that comes up when you see a
headline like "voter revolt" ? something that most people
read and never notice. But these things can be affected by
reporters and very often, by the campaign people

Here's another example of how powerful framing is. In
Arnold Schwarzenegger's acceptance speech, he said, "When
the people win, politics as usual loses." What's that
about? Well, he knows that he's going to face a Democratic
legislature, so what he has done is frame himself and also
Republican politicians as the people, while framing
Democratic politicians as politics as usual ? in advance.
The Democratic legislators won't know what hit them.
They're automatically framed as enemies of the people.

Why do conservatives appear to be so much better at

Because they've put billions of dollars into it. Over the
last 30 years their think tanks have made a heavy
investment in ideas and in language. In 1970, [Supreme
Court Justice] Lewis Powell wrote a fateful memo to the
National Chamber of Commerce saying that all of our best
students are becoming anti-business because of the Vietnam
War, and that we needed to do something about it. Powell's
agenda included getting wealthy conservatives to set up
professorships, setting up institutes on and off campus
where intellectuals would write books from a conservative
business perspective, and setting up think tanks. He
outlined the whole thing in 1970. They set up the Heritage
Foundation in 1973, and the Manhattan Institute after that.
[There are many others, including the American Enterprise
Institute and the Hoover Institute at Stanford, which date

from the 1940s.]

And now, as the New York Times Magazine quoted Paul Weyrich, who started the Heritage Foundation, they have 1,500 conservative radio talk show hosts. They have a huge, very good operation, and they understand their own moral system. They understand what unites conservatives, and they understand how to talk about it, and they are constantly updating their research on how best to express their ideas.

Why haven't progressives done the same thing?

There's a systematic reason for that. You can see it in the
way that conservative foundations and progressive
foundations work. Conservative foundations give large block
grants year after year to their think tanks. They say,
'Here's several million dollars, do what you need to do.'
And basically, they build infrastructure, they build TV
studios, hire intellectuals, set aside money to buy a lot
of books to get them on the best-seller lists, hire
research assistants for their intellectuals so they do well
on TV, and hire agents to put them on TV. They do all of
that. Why? Because the conservative moral system, which I
analyzed in "Moral Politics," has as its highest value
preserving and defending the "strict father" system itself.
And that means building infrastructure. As businessmen,
they know how to do this very well.

Meanwhile, liberals' conceptual system of the "nurturant
parent" has as its highest value helping individuals who
need help. The progressive foundations and donors give
their money to a variety of grassroots organizations. They
say, 'We're giving you $25,000, but don't waste a penny of
it. Make sure it all goes to the cause, don't use it for
administration, communication, infrastructure, or career
development.' So there's actually a structural reason built
into the worldviews that explains why conservatives have
done better.

Back up for a second and explain what you mean by the
strict father and nurturant parent frameworks.

Well, the progressive worldview is modeled on a nurturant
parent family. Briefly, it assumes that the world is
basically good and can be made better and that one must
work toward that. Children are born good; parents can make
them better. Nurturing involves empathy, and the
responsibility to take care of oneself and others for whom
we are responsible. On a larger scale, specific policies
follow, such as governmental protection in form of a social
safety net and government regulation, universal education
(to ensure competence, fairness), civil liberties and equal
treatment (fairness and freedom), accountability (derived

from trust), public service (from responsibility), open

government (from open communication), and the promotion of
an economy that benefits all and functions to promote these
values, which are traditional progressive values in
American politics.

The conservative worldview, the strict father model,
assumes that the world is dangerous and difficult and that
children are born bad and must be made good. The strict
father is the moral authority who supports and defends the
family, tells his wife what to do, and teaches his kids
right from wrong. The only way to do that is through
painful discipline ? physical punishment that by adulthood
will become internal discipline. The good people are the
disciplined people. Once grown, the self-reliant,
disciplined children are on their own. Those children who
remain dependent (who were spoiled, overly willful, or
recalcitrant) should be forced to undergo further
discipline or be cut free with no support to face the
discipline of the outside world.

'Taxes are what you pay to be an American, to live in a
civilized society that is democratic and offers
opportunity, and where there's an infrastructure that has
been paid for by previous taxpayers.'
-George Lakoff

So, project this onto the nation and you see that to the
right wing, the good citizens are the disciplined ones ?
those who have already become wealthy or at least
self-reliant ? and those who are on the way. Social
programs, meanwhile, "spoil" people by giving them things
they haven't earned and keeping them dependent. The
government is there only to protect the nation, maintain
order, administer justice (punishment), and to provide for
the promotion and orderly conduct of business. In this way,
disciplined people become self-reliant. Wealth is a measure
of discipline. Taxes beyond the minimum needed for such
government take away from the good, disciplined people
rewards that they have earned and spend it on those who
have not earned it.

From that framework, I can see why Schwarzenegger appealed
to conservatives.

Exactly. In the strict father model, the big thing is
discipline and moral authority, and punishment for those
who do something wrong. That comes out very clearly in the
Bush administration's foreign and domestic policy. With
Schwarzenegger, it's in his movies: most of the characters
that he plays exemplify that moral system. He didn't have
to say a word! He just had to stand up there, and he
represents Mr. Discipline. He knows what's right and wrong,
and he's going to take it to the people. He's not going to
ask permission, or have a discussion, he's going to do what
needs to be done, using force and authority. His very
persona represents what conservatives are about.

You've written a lot about "tax relief" as a frame. How
does it work?

The phrase "Tax relief" began coming out of the White House
starting on the very day of Bush's inauguration. It got
picked up by the newspapers as if it were a neutral term,
which it is not. First, you have the frame for "relief."
For there to be relief, there has to be an affliction, an
afflicted party, somebody who administers the relief, and
an act in which you are relieved of the affliction. The
reliever is the hero, and anybody who tries to stop them is
the bad guy intent on keeping the affliction going. So, add
"tax" to "relief" and you get a metaphor that taxation is
an affliction, and anybody against relieving this
affliction is a villain.

"Tax relief" has even been picked up by the Democrats. I
was asked by the Democratic Caucus in their tax meetings to
talk to them, and I told them about the problems of using
tax relief. The candidates were on the road. Soon after,
Joe Lieberman still used the phrase tax relief in a press
conference. You see the Democrats shooting themselves in
the foot.

So what should they be calling it?

It's not just about what you call it, if it's the same
"it." There's actually a whole other way to think about it.
Taxes are what you pay to be an American, to live in a
civilized society that is democratic and offers
opportunity, and where there's an infrastructure that has
been paid for by previous taxpayers. This is a huge
infrastructure. The highway system, the Internet, the TV
system, the public education system, the power grid, the
system for training scientists ? vast amounts of
infrastructure that we all use, which has to be maintained
and paid for. Taxes are your dues ? you pay your dues to be
an American. In addition, the wealthiest Americans use that
infrastructure more than anyone else, and they use parts of
it that other people don't. The federal justice system, for
example, is nine-tenths devoted to corporate law. The
Securities and Exchange Commission and all the apparatus of
the Commerce Department are mainly used by the wealthy. And
we're all paying for it.

So taxes could be framed as an issue of patriotism.

It is an issue of patriotism! Are you paying your dues, or
are you trying to get something for free at the expense of
your country? It's about being a member. People pay a
membership fee to join a country club, for which they get
to use the swimming pool and the golf course. But they
didn't pay for them in their membership. They were built
and paid for by other people and by this collectivity. It's
the same thing with our country ? the country as country
club, being a member of a remarkable nation. But what would
it take to make the discussion about that? Every Democratic
senator and all of their aides and every candidate would
have to learn how to talk about it that way. There would
have to be a manual. Republicans have one. They have a guy
named Frank Luntz, who puts out a 500-page manual every
year that goes issue by issue on what the logic of the
position is from the Republican side, what the other guys'
logic is, how to attack it, and what language to use.

What are some other examples of issues that progressives
should try to reframe?

There are too many examples, that's the problem. The
so-called energy crisis in California should have been
called Grand Theft. It was theft, it was the result of
deregulation by Pete Wilson, and Davis should have said so

from the beginning.

Or take gay marriage, which the right has made a rallying topic. Surveys have been done that say Americans are overwhelmingly against gay marriage. Well, the same surveys show that they also overwhelmingly object to discrimination against gays. These seem to be opposite facts, but they're not. "Marriage" is about sex. When you say "gay marriage," it becomes about gay sex, and approving of gay marriage becomes implicitly about approving of gay sex. And while a lot of Americans don't approve of gay sex, that doesn't mean they want to discriminate against gay people. Perfectly rational position. Framed in that way, the issue of gay marriage will get a lot of negative reaction. But what if you make the issue "freedom to marry," or even better, "the right to marry"? That's a whole different story. Very few people would say they did not support the right to marry who you choose. But the polls don't ask that question, because the right wing has framed that issue.

Do any of the Democratic Presidential candidates grasp the
importance of framing?

None. They don't get it at all. But they're in a funny
position. The framing changes that have to be made are
long-term changes. The conservatives understood this in
1973. By 1980 they had a candidate, Ronald Reagan, who
could take all this stuff and run with it. The progressives
don't have a candidate now who understands these things and
can talk about them. And in order for a candidate to be
able to talk about them, the ideas have to be out there.
You have to be able to reference them in a sound bite.
Other people have to put these ideas into the public
domain, not politicians. The question is, How do you get
these ideas out there? There are all kinds of ways, and one
of the things the Rockridge Institute is looking at is
talking to advocacy groups, which could do this very well.
They have more of a budget, they're spread all over the
place, and they have access to the media.

Right now the Democrat Party is into marketing. They pick a
number of issues like prescription drugs and Social
Security and ask which ones sell best across the spectrum,
and they run on those issues. They have no moral
perspective, no general values, no identity. People vote
their identity, they don't just vote on the issues, and
Democrats don't understand that. Look at Schwarzenegger,
who says nothing about the issues. The Democrats ask, How
could anyone vote for this guy? They did because he put
forth an identity. Voters knew who he is.

"The 'free market' doesn't exist":
More on framing from George Lakoff

27 October 2003

The NewsCenter's conversation with George Lakoff, UC
Berkeley professor of linguistics and cognitive science,
continues. Here, Lakoff dissects the hidden associations of
everyday terms such as liberal, progressive and free

Are "progressive" and "liberal" different, or is Rockridge
trying to sidestep the conservatives' successfully having
framed "liberal" as pejorative?

Well, there is some of that, but both terms are kind of
mushy and vague. After World War II and the Vietnam War,
"liberal" came to mean someone who supports [Franklin
Delano Roosevelt's] New Deal, and a strong military and
foreign policy. The term "progressive" originated from
people who were Democratic Socialists, but the socialism
aspect has dropped away, and it's come to mean what I call
"nurturant morality." It includes choosing peace whenever
possible, environmentalism, civil liberties, minority
rights, notions like social justice through living wages,
et cetera. "Progressive" has been chosen, in part, to
contrast in a forward-looking way with "conservative" ? for
example, as when Podesta chose the name "The Center for
American Progress" for his new think tank.

'Conservatives have a word for people who are not pursuing
their self interest. They're called "do-gooders," and they
get in the way of people who are pursuing their
-George Lakoff

Also, within traditional liberalism you have a history of
rational thought that was born out of the Enlightenment:
all meanings should be literal, and everything should
follow logically. So if you just tell people the facts,
that should be enough ? the truth shall set you free. All
people are fully rational, so if you tell them the truth,
they should reach the right conclusions. That, of course,
has been a disaster.

Meaning, for example, that if you tell people that the tax
cuts are overwhelmingly benefiting the richest 1 percent of
Americans at the expense of a balanced budget, liberals
think people will naturally revolt against the measure.

Exactly. It never works. And liberals don't know why. They
don't understand that there's another frame involved.
Here's another example: I've been working with a lot of
nongovernmental organizations and advocacy groups of
various kinds, including an environmental health group
researching what they called the "body burden."

The what?

The body burden ? you have to hear it twice, right? It
refers to the amount of toxic chemicals you have in your
body. This group did a study with the Centers for Disease
Control and found that there are vast numbers of toxic
chemicals in our bodies, and in the bodies of newborn
babies, in mothers' milk, and so on. I asked them how they
were going to frame this. They said, "What do you mean?
We're just going to put out a report with all the
statistics, and they'll be so shocking that everything will
change." So they did: a few papers ran it on page 17, some
papers ran it a little but more. The next day it was done.

But is that a failure of framing, or a failure of
infrastructure, as in no public relations team, no properly
prepared talk-show guests on staff?

It's a failure of the whole thing: not taking communication
seriously and not taking conceptualization seriously.
Anyway, they came back to me a couple of months later and
asked how they should run a campaign on it. I said, "It's
very simple. You call your campaign Be Poison-Free."

Why use the word "poison"? Because the framing of poison
has a poisoner. It makes you look at who is doing the
poisoning. Everyone knows what poison is ? it kills you.
Everybody knows that. Now of course you then have to run a
serious campaign and have the money to do that and have the
public relations support, which is harder, but the first
step is understanding how to frame it.

What about the phrase "free market"? Is that an example of

Yes, but one that's so deeply embedded that it's difficult
at first to see how. You have to start with the metaphor
that the market is a force of nature, which comes from [the
economist] Adam Smith, who says that if everybody pursues
their own profit, then the profit of all will be maximized
by the "invisible hand" ? by which he means nature. There
is also a metaphor that well-being is wealth. If I do you a
favor, therefore making things better for you, then you
say, "How can I ever repay you? I'm in your debt." It's as
if I'd given you money. We understand our well-being as

Combine them, and you get the conservatives' version that
says if everybody pursues their own well-being, the
well-being of all will be maximized by nature. They have
the metaphorical notion of a free market even in their
child-rearing system. It's not just an economic theory;
it's a moral theory. When you discipline your children,
they get internal discipline to become self-reliant, which
means they can pursue their self-interest and get along in
a difficult world. Conservatives even have a word for
people who are not pursuing their self interest. They're
called "do-gooders," and they get in the way of people who
are pursuing their self-interest.

OK, but how is that a frame, rather than a guiding

Because the "free market" doesn't exist. There is no such
thing. All markets are constructed. Think of the stock
exchange. It has rules. The WTO [World Trade Organization]
has 900 pages of regulations. The bond market has all kinds
of regulations and commissions to make sure those
regulations carried out. Every market has rules. For
example, corporations have a legal obligation to maximize
shareholder profit. That's a construction of the market.
Now, it doesn't have to be that way. You could make that
rule, "Corporations must maximize stakeholder value."
Stakeholders ? as opposed to shareholders, the institutions
who own the largest portions of stock ? would include
employees, local communities, and the environment. That
changes the whole notion of what a "market" is.

Suppose we were to change the accounting rules, so that we
not only had open accounting, which we really need, but we
also had full accounting. Full accounting would include
things like ecological accounting. You could no longer dump
your stuff in the river or the air and not pay a fee. No
more free dumping. If you had full accounting, that
constructs the market in a different way. It's still a
market, and it's still "free" within the rules. But the
rules are always there. It's important for progressives to
get that idea out there, that all markets are constructed.
We should be debating how they're constructed, how they
should be constructed, and how are they stacked to serve
particular interests.


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