Dear James:

 --- "Devine, James" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> I agree: Marx was "deliberately" abstracting in a
> way that (he thought) reflected the actual
> process under capitalism. In my very short précis, I
> was only summarizing one part of his
> approach and its actual application. I was in no way
> endorsing Cohen or Thernborn's
> interpretation of anything.

I didn't mean that you endorse Cohen or Thernborn's
interpretation of anything. Maybe this has to do with
my yet-clumsy english and the format (and velocity of
production) of this messages. I just wanted to stress
how far scholars like Cohen and Thernborn have gone
with the interpretation of the Marxian concept of
profuctive powers, which I interpret are only
*productive powers of (concrete) labor*.
Thank you again for your comments, they are very


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