
> Or maybe ire-rational ? I haven't done it either, not
> wittingly anyway, but I could imagine that in certain
> situations having a heart could lead to that situation. I am
> not saying all Turkish guys are alike, because they aren't,
> I am just saying I have known them to jump to conclusions, and
> if you are going to have your Turkish revenge against Western
> rationality I think you are jumping to conclusions.

Look Jurriaan,

You are demonstrating a "westernly rational" behaviour. You are
playing this game to win. That is, with your arguments and
reason, you are trying to defeat me in front of other people.

Why? What drives you to do that? Could that be your emotions more
than anything?

Also, I have no intention to take revenge from "western
rationality", which I don't think meaninful because it is a
theoretical construct which we never see in real human decision
making, at least, as it is normatively defined.

Also, I never said that I want to take revenge from "western
rationality". I just said that I use the word "western" (not
western rationality) to give it a deragotory meaning to take
revenge from you westerners. Had I put these two words in quotes,
that is, written "deragotory" and "revenge", may be none of this
would have happened, since you would have realized that being my
usual self I was just joking. But my spouse always tells me that
behind every joke there are real reasons and I plead guilty for

And here, I accept defeat. You won, I lost.

Are you happy now?



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