That is pretty amazing. I suppose in America it has to be sexy, yet civilised, and use the right words. In the USA, I have noticed you always have to keep it very simple, especially if you are talking about anything bigger than an individual, because otherwise they just do not understand it.
This is one factor which explains why the US Government gets away with crime and mass murder, most Americans do not understand it, it is too difficult for them, all they can think of is sex and Jesus Christ and stuff like that, even the American Presidents are like that. I think most American do not feel any social responsibility for corporate crime and government crime, it's not their problem as far as they are concerned.  But I would quite like to read your paper anyhow.
Actually, I did not write this bit:
do we think in the present context, of the "system of national debts",
the "modern system of taxation", and the "international credit system",
"which often conceals one of the sources of primitive accumulation in this
or that people."
Chris Burford wrote that. I just posted the bit from Marx's Capital, it seemed relevant since the Christian genocide-for-profit thing is happening again. I have often had this fantasy of being a scholar again and writing more stuff, but I remember how academics and public servants ripped me off, and basically, when I visit a university, I do not like the smell, and I feel relieved when I am out of there again. I am more an extra-mural type really.

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