F A C I N G   S O U T H
A progressive Southern news report
November 13, 2003 - Issue 65

Published by the Institute for Southern Studies and Southern Exposure
magazine. To join the Institute and get a year's worth of Southern
Exposure and Facing South, visit www.southernstudies.org

INSTITUTE INDEX - Clear Skies, Shady Politics

Amount by which President Bush claims his "Clear Skies" plan will
decrease air pollution: 70
Tons of mercury pollution per year allowed under the current Clean Air
Act by 2008: 5
Tons allowed under Bush's "Clear Skies" plan by 2008: 26
Percent increase in mercury pollution this represents: 520
Months that EPA didn't release report showing link between mercury
pollution and child retardation: 9
Percent that "Clear Skies" plan would increase smog-causing nitrous
oxide pollution: 68
Percent that it would increase sulphur dioxide emissions linked to acid
rain: 225
Amount of campaign contributions given by energy interests to President
Bush, in millions: $2.8

Sources on file at the Institute for Southern Studies.

DATELINE: THE SOUTH - News Around the Region

Labor is gearing up for a major presence in Miami November 17-21, when
trade representatives from 22 Western Hemispheric nations will meet to
discuss the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) agreement. Organizers
expect as many as 25,000 trade unionists to make the trip for five days
of rallies, workshops, parades, and teach-ins. (Labor Notes, 11/17-21)

A man charged with entering a restricted area during a 2002
presidential visit has subpoenaed U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft
and Bush political adviser Karl Rove to testify at his trial next week.
Activist Brett Bursey, 55, said the testimony would show that the Bush
administration tries to "sanitize" areas of dissent around the
president. (Associated Press, 11/7)

Squeezed by shrinking budgets and burgeoning numbers of inmates, states
are moving away from the lock-'em-up-and-throw-away-the-key attitude of
the 1980s and '90s and focusing more on drug and alcohol treatment,
education and job training. (Associated Press, 11/5)

Poor criminal defendants in Louisiana and other Southern states are
routinely denied their constitutional right to an attorney, leaving them
languishing in jail without having been charged, and more often than not
forced into plea bargains, according to a recent report released by the
Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers. (Times Picayne [New Orleans],

A group of 30 military veterans critical of the war in Iraq hoped to
use Tuesday's Veterans Day parade in Tallahassee to call attention to
the increasingly deadly conflict. Instead, members of Veterans For Peace
and Vietnam Veterans Against the War were yanked off the street by march
organizers. (Florida Times-Union, 11/8)

Laborarts.org -- a "virtual museum" of art related to working people --
has compiled a small exhibit of images from the United Mine Worker's
Archives, named after Merle Travis' balled of the dangerous Kentucky
coal mines (Laborarts.org, 11/7)

PERSPECTIVE: Southern White Male Democrats -- Where Ya At?

By State Rep. Erik R. Flemming (D-MS)

November 6, 2003

As the dust settles after another election year, here is a request to
those individuals who place missing persons on milk cartons: could you
help us find the real Southern white male Democrats? It is obvious that
they are MIA when it comes to local and national politics.

Case in point: in the recent campaign by incumbent Democratic
Mississippi Governor Ronnie Musgrove, he ran ads that said he was
conservative and independent. He never once mentioned that he was the
Democratic nominee for re-election. Many in the African-American
community were upset and betrayed by this campaign tactic purportedly
dictated by opinion polls. One prominent Democratic African-American
official told me that his wife expressed outright rage when she first
saw the commercial.

Unfortunately, this is not isolated to Mississippi. All across the
South, white males that outwardly declare their Democratic pedigree are
becoming increasingly scarce. They are constantly put in awkward
positions on issues ranging from abortion to tort reform. They are not
comfortable touting the party line, as their college buddies and
co-workers shift their allegiance whole-heartedly to the Republican

They are being pressured to switch parties as the Democratic Party is
labeled as "the Black people's party." This makes them uncomfortable and
when we need them the most they turn up missing.

All this can be attributed to a successful campaign started by former
President Nixon entitled "The Southern Strategy." Nixon initiated this
strategy, when former Alabama Governor George Wallace made a somewhat
successful run for president in 1968. Wallace, four years before his
"Damascus Road" experience, targeted Southern white males who suddenly
felt disenfranchised as African-Americans started to infiltrate the
power structure of the Democratic Party.

Prior to the 1940's, Blacks were loyal to the GOP because it was
considered the party of Lincoln, the alleged "Great Emancipator."  The
combination of Franklin Roosevelt's public policies and the deliberate
targeted protests, led by grassroots leaders like Fannie Lou Hamer,
toward full political access, started the shift for Black Americans
toward becoming almost monolithically Democrat.

This shift started to displace those white males who could not adapt to
the times, and Wallace was able to reach them. Nixon saw this
demographic as a gold mine, and sought to aggressively cultivate them.
The culmination did not come to fruition during Nixon's political
career, but the seeds had been planted. The initial beneficiary of this
strategy was former President Ronald Reagan as he took Southern votes
from former President Jimmy Carter, a Democrat from the state of

Since then, it has been a fight for Democrats to win the hearts and
minds of Southern white males, who now felt at home with the GOP's
subtle racist agenda. Under the guise of conservative family values, the
Republicans have de-valued the need for hard-fought gains, such as
affirmative action, and have escalated the level of fear by highlighting
wedge issues like crime and religion. The current GOP has used the same
manipulation tactics engaged by slave owners in the 1700's and 1800's to
convince poor whites under their employ to enact acts of atrocity toward
Negro slaves and to later fight a war for "the noble Southern way of

This successful, yet invidious, manipulation of the "vox populi" has
caused many Southern white males who claim to still be Democrats to
become spineless jellyfish. Former Vice-President Gore's debacle of a
presidential campaign is a classic case study.  a small exhibit of
images from the Uni

Gore, from Tennessee, refused to allow his former running mate,
President Bill Clinton, from Arkansas, to campaign for him in the South,
because, supposedly Clinton alienated other Southern white males,
despite his apparent popularity with base Democratic voters. Gore went
on to lose the South, including Arkansas and Tennessee. If Gore had won
those states, Florida would never have been a factor.

Gore's need for acceptance by his white males counterparts cost him the
most powerful position in the free world. How many more defeats will it
take for Southern white male Democrats to realize that to win the war of
ideology, they cannot act like the enemy?

That is why the candidacy of North Carolina U.S. Senator John Edwards
has not energized the African-American community. That is why Southern
Democratic governors are becoming an endangered species, election after
election. More importantly, that is why Blacks are becoming more
disenchanted with the half-hearted efforts of the Democratic National
Committee to address their issues.

When a team needs to change their losing ways, they make adjustments in
their personnel and their play calling. If the Democrats want to start
winning elections again in the South, changes have to be made. Southern
white male Democrats need to re-discover their political backbone and
challenge the misinformation campaign of the GOP head-on. If they can be
found, that is.

>From The Black Commentator www.blackcommentator.com

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