"I'm absolutely in favor of anything that will strengthen the American
flag," said Clark, who stood on a chair and answered questions from the
crowd. "I'm in favor of the American flag amendment."

 http://www.bayarea.com/mld/mercurynews/7241899.htm (Eli drew my attention
to this)

According to a survey by Bush's Beans, the average American will drive 36
miles out of the way to have a good meal. For what food item do they drive
that extra 36 miles? The answer here is seafood.  Next comes meat. With the
23% who are driving for meat and the 47% hitting the road for seafood, that'
s a lot of folks driving to devour the flesh of dead animals. Some 15%
travel for dessert. Swirling lower on the list are wine with 7%, cheese with
5% and produce with 3%.


"This year Ramadan will be different, we don't know what to expect," Khalid
Abdul Hamid, who runs a confectionery shop in the Iraqi capital said on
Friday. "We will try to stay open but we know security will be difficult."
U.S.-led occupation forces say they will lift a night-time curfew across
Baghdad and have been drilled on the customs of Ramadan when Muslims avoid
food, drink, smoking and sexual relations in daylight hours.


"There has been a reported increase in maternal mortality rates [in Iraq],
acute malnutrition has almost doubled from 4% to 8% in the last year and
there is an increase in water-borne diseases and vaccine-preventable


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