Sports of The Times: A Teenager Handling the Adult World With Poise

November 20, 2003

FREDDY ADU is mature far beyond his 14 years. 

When he makes a spin move on the soccer field, he leaves
opponents chomping on the turf, real or artificial. 

Adu is also mature in the complicated world of New York
news conferences. Yesterday he signed with Major League
Soccer, graciously thanking his mother and everybody else
who had helped him along the way. 

"The 46-year-old commissioner needed notes, but the
14-year-old player did not," announced Don Garber, the
commissioner of the league. 

Afterward, Adu was catching a bite to eat in a private
room. Sitting next to him was his mother, Emelia, who
brought him over from Ghana when he was 9 for the normal
survivor reasons people seek out the United States. 

His mother tells him what to do. For the foreseeable
future, he will live at home in suburban Maryland, on her
say-so. In return, as man of the house, he protects her. 

Emelia Adu does not give interviews. That was the word
yesterday after she discreetly slipped out of the crowded
news conference. But when I was ushered into the private
room to be introduced, I tried my luck with a question
about her high standards for her son. She smiled politely,
sweetly, but no words came out. 

Freddy Adu, all 5 feet 8 inches and 140 pounds, stood up
and intervened, turning the awkward moment into a joke. 

"People ask her questions and she freezes," he said,
smiling at her, smiling at me, bringing us together in the
glow of his presence. Every mother should have a son like
this at her side, and vice versa. 

Adu may indeed be one of a kind, just as the people in
American soccer dare to dream for him, for them. 

He has been a golden boy since he showed up for a mass
practice in Washington five years ago. People gasped at his
moves, which he learned playing barefoot from the age of 2
in Tema, Ghana. Growing up in a world that knows and loves
soccer, he saw photos of Pelé and Diego Armando Maradona,
and he wanted to be like them. 

"We had a tryout for 13-year-olds to go to France,"
recalled Kevin Payne, a former general manager for D.C.
United. One youngster impressed Payne so much that he
telephoned Bruce Arena, the United coach at the time, and
said, "Bruce, you have to come out here and watch this

Later they found out Adu was only 9. He was just in from
Ghana, where his mother had won a government lottery for
the right to apply to emigrate to the United States, having
nothing whatsoever to do with soccer. Suddenly, he became
Ghana's great gift to the United States. 

Arena is now the national team coach, who just may consider
Adu for the next World Cup in 2006. New international
soccer rules made it difficult for the great clubs of
Europe to sign Adu and use him in senior competition, but
it was a moot point. His mother wanted him to finish high
school, which he will do in May, and she wanted him where
she could keep an eye on him for the apparent four years of
his new contract. 

During the news conference yesterday, video monitors played
endless loops of Freddy Adu highlight clips. In white
jerseys, blue jerseys and green workout vests, he
swivel-hipped his way through defenders of all nations. 

"Incredible ball control," said Mark Noonan, an executive
vice president for M.L.S., who played for Duke when it won
the national college championship in 1986. Yesterday,
Noonan quietly narrated Adu's clips, with a mix of jealousy
and awe. 

"Joy," Noonan said. "Vision. He's left-footed but he can
shoot with his right. The Maradona factor. Knowing where
his people are. Exuberance. Poise. Look at that, an uncanny
cutback. He doesn't hesitate. He just slalomed through five
guys! He's the youngest guy on the field. The tapes don't

The tapes showed a youngster playing with the
improvisational skills of world soccer, the way they play
in dusty streets of Naples and Buenos Aires and Lagos,
rather than the rigid textbook drills of American youth
leagues. Soon Adu will be playing against hardened
professionals, twice his age, but yesterday he more than
handled his coming-out ceremony. He recalled playing on the
"rocks and broken bottles" in Ghana, with the occasional
goat wandering onto the field. 

"I'd cry if my mom called for me to come in," he said.

Some reporters wring their hands at the growing trend of
young players like LeBron James forsaking college to play
pro basketball and Maurice Clarett's eagerness to leave
college for the National Football League. Freddy Adu's
poise and his video clips kept reporters from reporting the
M.L.S. to the child-labor authorities. 

The league holds its championship game Sunday on ABC. The
next big date for the league is April 3 - Adu's first game
with D.C. United, also on ABC. 

Yesterday, the young man did not leave us twisted into
pretzel shapes on the grass, the way he does defenders. He
left us smiling in the glow of his presence. What a lovely,
hopeful start. 

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