joanna bujes wrote:

I also take deep umbrage (I've always wanted to use that phrase) at your characterizing the tonga driver as a wife beater. The notion that the poorer part of the working class is more violent is very untrue in my experience. There's plenty of domestic violence among the privileged; the only diff is that it seldom, if ever, lands them in jail. They're more likely to get away with it. They're also more likely to get away with theft, tax evasion, sexual abuse, drug abuse, rape and the like.

you are right. i mentioned the wife-beating not to reinforce the stereotype but to show how i see these different classes of problems (i.e., homophobia, worker exploitation, alienation, domestic violence, etc) as similar but not necessary on the basis of class or working class, but i did not express that too well.

in response to melvin's response to my post: the biological basis of
heterosexuality and tying it to darwinistic urge to reproduce is
incomplete and incorrect. survival is ensured through various means and
not achieved merely through the act of putting your penis into your
wife. homosexual behaviour has been observed and documented in various
social animals, and there are multiple scenarios where multisexuality (i
am sure there is a better word) can be passed down and even have an
advantage. what is learnt and what is genetic is and how they relate
with each is less simplistic than implied.

i would like to get into more detail on both counts, but for MP's
shutdown of the thread -- i will respond to any messages sent to me


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