Bush's Brother Has Contract to Help Chinese Chip Maker

By Warren Vieth and Lianne Hart
Times Staff Writers

L.A. TIMES/November 27, 2003

WASHINGTON â Neil Bush, a younger brother of President Bush, has a $400,000-a-year 
contract to provide business advice to a Chinese computer chip manufacturer, according 
to court documents.

At the same time the Bush administration is promising to crack down on alleged trade 
abuses by the Chinese, Neil Bush has agreed to strategize with China's Grace 
Semiconductor Manufacturing Corp., the documents show.

While there is no indication he has done anything improper, Bush's arrangement could 
attract attention during a presidential election cycle in which Chinese business 
practices have become a hot-button issue.

"There's certainly the appearance of influence being sought," said Charles W. 
McMillion, a Washington business consultant who advised a congressional commission on 
U.S.-China policy. "If nothing else, it doesn't look good."

The younger Bush's relationship with Grace Semiconductor, first reported in the 
Houston Chronicle, is detailed in a two-page contract filed as part of divorce 
proceedings between Neil and Sharon Bush. The divorce was finalized in April.

The China contract is not Neil Bush's first brush with controversy. In the 1980s, he 
was a director of Silverado Banking, Savings & Loan, a Colorado thrift whose failure 
cost U.S. taxpayers $1 billion. He was one of 12 defendants who agreed to pay $49 
million to settle a negligence lawsuit brought by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

Neil Bush did not return phone messages seeking comment. Neither did his attorney, 
Grace Semiconductor or Sharon Bush. An attorney for Sharon Bush declined to comment.

In Crawford, Texas, where the president is spending the holiday, White House 
spokeswoman Claire Buchan said there would be no comment on the China matter. 

According to the consulting contract, Neil Bush was to receive $2 million worth of 
Grace Semiconductor preferred stock over five years, issued in annual increments of 

In return, Bush agreed to "provide GSMC from time to time with business strategies and 
policies; latest information and trends of the related industry, and other expertized 
advices," the contract states.

In addition, Bush was to attend meetings of Grace Semiconductor's board of directors, 
and the firm agreed to pay him $10,000 per meeting to cover expenses. Bush signed the 
contract Aug. 15, 2002.

It was not clear how much compensation Bush has received so far. The contract said he 
would receive the first $400,000 allotment within one month of the company's 2002 
board meeting, "provided you have duly furnished GSMC with the information and details 
required for the issuance or transfer of the share certificate." 

Grace Semiconductor, based in Shanghai, was founded in 2000 by Winston Wong, the son 
of Taiwanese business magnate Wang Yung-ching, and Jiang Mianheng, the son of former 
Chinese President Jiang Zemin. Wong co-signed the contract with Bush.

The company has said its goal is to become a leading manufacturer of integrated 
circuits and other semiconductor products. It has invested $1.6 billion to build two 
fabrication plants in Shanghai. Production from the first plant began in September.

During a March 2003 deposition taken as part of his divorce proceedings, as reported 
by the Chronicle and confirmed by an attorney in the case, the president's brother 
acknowledged that he knew little about the industry he had just joined.

"You have absolutely no educational background in semiconductors, do you?" asked 
Sharon Bush's attorney, Marshall Davis Brown. 

"That's correct," Bush responded.

"But I know a lot about business," he said at another point, "and I've been working in 
Asia quite a long time."

Disclosure of Neil Bush's consulting contract comes amid an intense debate over 
America's growing trade deficit with China. U.S. manufacturers have shed 2.8 million 
jobs since mid-2000, and many firms have blamed unfair trade practices by China.

The American Electronics Assn. released a report this week showing that 49 states lost 
high-tech workers last year. Total losses were 540,000 in 2002 and 234,000 so far this 
year, leaving fewer than 6 million people employed in the industry.

The Bush administration has promised to crack down on any abuses its finds. It has 
pressured China's government to let its currency rise in relation to the dollar, which 
would make Chinese exports less competitive in this country. It has agreed to impose 
protective quotas on several categories of Chinese textile products, and to place 
steep tariffs on Chinese-made televisions.

"I'm sure China will not question our resolve," Commerce Secretary Don Evans recently 
told a Michigan business group. "We're serious about it, and they'll know we're 
serious about it."

Semiconductor manufacturing is one of the few industry sectors in which the United 
States is running a substantial trade surplus with China, consultant McMillion said. 
But leading chip makers such as Intel and IBM have expressed concern about China's 
determination to become a major player in the industry.

"China has a huge deficit in semiconductors, so they're putting huge resources into 
building capacity and acquiring technology from the United States, from Taiwan, from 
the Japanese and the Europeans," McMillion said. "It's a very big issue right now."

In 1999, Neil Bush founded Ignite, an educational software firm based in Austin, 
Texas. Among the firm's initial investors were his parents, former President George 
H.W. and Barbara Bush, and Wong, the Taiwanese entrepreneur who invited him to become 
a consultant for Grace Semiconductor.

This month, an opposition party leader accused Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian of 
paying $1 million for a 30-minute meeting with Neil Bush during a recent visit to the 
United States. The president confirmed he had met with Bush but denied that any 
payment had been made.

The China contract details were filed in connection with a contentious divorce 
proceeding between Neil and Sharon Bush, who were married for 23 years. 

In the March deposition, Neil Bush admitted to having sex with several women who 
knocked on the door of his hotel room during a business trip to Hong Kong and 
Thailand. In response to an attorney's questions, he said he did not know the women, 
and did not pay them any money. 

Last week, according to Houston newspaper reports, Bush voluntarily submitted a tissue 
sample for genetic testing in an effort to disprove allegations that he fathered a 
child with his current girlfriend, Maria Andrews, while she was still married to 
another man.

Neil Bush, the third of George H.W. Bush's four sons (George W., Jeb, Neil and 
Marvin), is the latest family member to hitch his fortunes to China.

In 1974, President Nixon named George H.W. Bush as his ambassador to China, a position 
he held for two years. In the 1980s, George H.W. Bush's brother, Prescott Bush Jr., 
began pursuing business opportunities on the mainland. In 1988, he teamed up with 
Japanese businessmen to build China's first golf course in Shanghai. He struck up a 
long friendship with former President Jiang, whose son is now a business partner of 
Neil Bush.

Prescott Bush Jr.'s Chinese ties generated their own share of controversy. He was 
criticized for meeting with Chinese business and government leaders just three months 
after the Tiananmen Square massacre in 1989. 

The Shanghai golf venture became an embarrassment when allegations surfaced that his 
Japanese partners were trying to get business contracts by bribing Panamanian leader 
Manuel Noriega. Prescott Bush Jr.'s ties to an American firm, Asset Management, were 
scrutinized in 1989 because it was the only U.S. firm able to skirt sanctions and 
import communications satellites into China.

When Asset Management later went bankrupt, Prescott Bush Jr. arranged a bailout 
through a Japanese investment firm later accused of having ties to organized crime. 
There was no evidence he was aware of the alleged mob connection.


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