Michael Dawson wrote:
I did not call you an FBI agent on LBO-talk, though I did say you have penis
envy regarding Doug Henwood.

No, you told me this in private mail. Plus, you told me that you never wanted to get any mail from me again. So frankly I found your query on pen-l to be a provocation. I am not used to answering questions from people who think that I am a cop and who have told me never to correspond with them again.

 Meanwhile, I assume you're too embarrassed by
your own argument that "urban life is unsustainable" to answer my question.

I suggest that you read John Bellamy Foster on this question. I believe that you wrote an article with him once upon a time. What I am saying is completely uncontroversial. It goes to the heart of Marxist ecology. Marx advocated that the distinction between city and countryside be erased under communism. He said that industry and agriculture had to be intermixed. This is not "Pol Pot-ism". Please try to read John Bellamy Foster's fine journal "Organization and Environment" which has many articles relevant to this question. I also urge you to read Mike Davis and Donald Worster. I simply don't have the time or interest to give you an ecosocialist presentation of the topic especially since I find your query to be patently disingenuous. I do invite you to read my various articles on the question at:


Not that I expect it to make a difference to you. In all of our exchanges,
I have found a nearly perverse refusal to engage with what I write.

Louis Proyect, Marxism mailing list: http://www.marxmail.org

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