Name that film:

"This ain't no movie, MFer"

The point was to introduce discussion in counterposition to the
hegemony/declining hegemony/euro vs dollar/emergence of global south
crapola that  is circulated ad nauseum by the "critiques," prognosticators,
etc of the established order, and then recirculated by the "leftists" who
feel all dressed up when wearing these hand- me-downs.

Yes, let's indeed look at the economy, at the source of its predicament, at
the decline in the rate of profit and its apparent recovery.  Let's look at
the source-- and that is no "profit squeeze" brought about by higher wages,
particularly since unit costs of production during the 90s showed
significant and sustained declines-- in everything from steel to
semiconductors to soft-drinks to mining to oil production.

Look at capacity and utilization rates and tell me if you see the basis for
a sustained recovery.

Not enough capacity has been destroyed-- YET.  Some was destroyed in the
bombing of Yugoslavia after the 97-98 decline in the rate of profit, and
coupled with the jacking of oil prices, the bubble expanded for two more
years.  Some has been destroyed in Iraq, oil prices are back to $30 and  the
shadow of a bubble returns.  But not enough has been destroyed, devalued,
physically decimated, along with the living standards, the "social costs" of
reproduction, to create a basis for anything more than more depreciation.

As far as the election...and imaginary enemies, hypotheses-- well on 9/12,
having congratulated myself on being absent-minded enough to have forgotten
to attend the 9/11 9AM meeting with the Washington International Group on
the 92 floor of the South Tower, I said the only thing surprising about the
whole thing is that CNN didn't have a camera crew on every plane-- that it
was a set up deal  from jump street.  That then was characterized as an
paranoid conspiracy theory. Well paranoids have real enemies too.

What do you think the next step, the unavoidable next step is for this clown
cadre of capitalists if it looks like the electorate is going to exercise
its power to choose polio instead of cancer?  Look how much money the
bourgeoisie have invested in Cheney's reelection.  Look at the staggering
payoff they reaped after 9/11.  This isn't the 70s, the Beatles are not
going to get back together, and the Congress isn't about to take step one in
opposition to Cheney/Bush.  Ergo, comparisons to Nixon are inapplicable.

I don't care much to speculate on scenarios myself, I just threw that one
out there hoping others would see the value in NOT discussing tactics,
strategy, speculations regarding the 04 elections.


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