Summing up.

1. My arguments are _not_ based on the relative merits (or demerits) of
the two parties. There are undoubtedly differences.

2. Jim D wrote: "Our energy should be going to the extra-electoral
arena, which will be the source of any future social-democratic
movements. // In this perspective, voting for (say) Dean or General
Clark isn't "supporting the DP" as much as an individual cry of
helplessness in the moment.  Real political change comes from collective
effort to change the balance of power."

3. When I speak of leftists (in the present context) I mean _only_ those
who accept that "Real political change comes from collective effort to
change the balance of power." I'm simply not speaking to those who place
their longterm hopes in the DP.

4. Leftists in this sense are far too few in number to  make any
difference in the coming election, regardless of what they do. I
couldn't care less how anyone votes.

5. There are enough leftists in the u.s. to make a difference in various
forms of non-electoral struggle around the nation, primarily but not
only the anti-war movement. They will simply be wasting their time if
they devote it to the election. They might contribute to real change if
they work in the anti-war movement. It is crucial that that movement be
prepared to grow and act in early 2005, regardless of which party wins
the election.

6. I agree completely with Jim C and Yoshie in the following post:

>Response Jim C: There is another alternative suggested above: direct
>contact with those involved and who are often the objects of left
>analysis. They get to read and correct what is being written about
>them. They provide fresh insights and new information from those
>closest to the conditions being analyzed. They get to suggest
>avenues and angles of analysis that would best help their struggles.

Creating spaces for getting together and thinking together like what you
describe above, I think, is one of the most important means and effects
of movement-building and community-organizing. -- Yoshie

These perspectives need to be explored at length.


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