
Posted January 20, 2004

Free Martha!
by Doug Henwood

It was almost four years ago that the great stock market bubble
burst. Despite revelations of systematic fraud across Wall Street and
corporate America, the criminal consequences have been surprisingly
minimal. The Wall Street banks, at the heart of the chicanery, mostly
got off with a $1.4 billion settlement deal with the authorities,
less than 4 percent of their profits between 1996 and 1999. The
disappointingly short list of the indicted and/or jailed includes a
handful of Enron execs, Tyco's Dennis Kozlowski, ImClone's Sam
Waksal...and not many more. Though they and their deeds are rich with
symbolic value, almost none of them have become household names. The
major exception was a household name before indictment: Martha
Stewart, whose trial begins January 20.

Why Martha? Though most people think she's charged with insider
trading, she's not. She's charged with conspiracy, obstruction of
justice, lying to federal prosecutors and securities fraud--charges
for which she could do serious time if convicted. And the original
trade that gave rise to all this trouble was probably not illegal in

So what's it all about? In December 2001 Stewart held 3,928 shares in
ImClone, a New York-based biotech firm that was about to hear some
bad news from the Food and Drug Administration, news that would
inevitably hammer its stock--that its promising cancer drug Erbitux
was not going to be approved. On the morning of December 27, the day
before the bad news was to be made public, Aliza Waksal, the daughter
of the firm's CEO, Sam Waksal, told Douglas Faneuil, the assistant to
her Merrill Lynch broker, Peter Bacanovic, to sell the ImClone shares
in her account. Soon after, Sam Waksal's accountant tried to sell
Sam's shares as well. Faneuil told Bacanovic about the Waksals' lust
to sell, and Bacanovic quickly called Stewart, leaving a message that
ImClone's stock was "going to start trading downward." If he based
that opinion on the Waksals' actions, telling other clients would
violate Merrill Lynch's client confidentiality policies.

There followed a series of phone calls, whose exact content is in
dispute. What isn't in dispute is that Stewart sold her ImClone
shares on the afternoon of the 27th. The question is why. If
Bacanovic told Stewart that the Waksals were bailing out of ImClone
stock, that might have been illegal (but historically such maneuvers
haven't been treated as such). Stewart claims that she had a
pre-existing arrangement with Bacanovic to sell her shares if the
price fell below $60, but she hadn't put in a formal "stop-loss"
order, which would have set off the sale automatically.

ImClone's stock fell on the 27th on heavy trading volume, a sign that
more than a few people probably knew of the FDA action in advance.
But it fell even harder after the announcement on the 28th. Stewart
saved around $45,000-$50,000 by selling early, but it's almost
impossible to say at whose expense that saving came. Compare that
with, say, the huge and very visible losses suffered by stock
investors who were seduced by the happy talk and lies coming from
CEOs and Wall Street analysts.

At any rate, what happened on December 27 isn't at the heart of the
criminal complaint. What she's really in the dock for are the
defenses she mounted after news of her well-timed sale became public.
The Feds accuse her and Bacanovic of conspiring to "conceal and cover
up" Bacanovic's violation of Merrill's confidentiality policy as well
as Stewart's real reasons for the sale. The prosecutors claim that
the $60 agreement was an invention after the fact. They also claim
that aside from trying to exculpate herself, Martha also designed her
alibi to prop up the stock price of her company, Martha Stewart
Living Omnimedia, since her being packed off to jail would almost
certainly damage the firm severely. That, to the prosecutors, was
securities fraud. So even though the circumstances of the original
sale were probably not criminal, it may be that Stewart thought they
were, and made up the $60 story as a self-defense. Should bad
judgment be a felony?

Amazingly, Slate hired Henry Blodget to cover Martha's trial. Judging
from his earlier dispatches, Blodget is as qualified to be a
journalist as he was qualified in his previous career on Wall Street.
He was a Merrill Lynch research analyst, one of the major promoters
of the tech bubble, who privately disdained stocks (he famously
referred to one as a "piece of shit" in an e-mail to a colleague) he
was publicly recommending. Though people lost pots of money on
Blodget's advice, he paid a $4 million civil fine, but faced no
criminal charges. Why isn't he the defendant?

Though she has millions of fans, Martha is not broadly loved. She was
voted the seventh most annoying person of 2003 on the website
amiannoying.com (falling between Osama bin Laden and Jacques Chirac).
More rigorously, Gallup reports that 55 percent of Americans have an
unfavorable opinion of the Diva of Domesticity, and just 36 percent a
favorable one. There's little doubt that this dislike contributed to
her indictment, and to the widespread assumptions of her guilt.

Why the resentment? As one young fan recently pointed out to me, it's
because she severely confuses our gender codes. She invaded the
traditionally male turf of big business, but her business is based on
"skills that were supposed to be girly and stay-at-home." Yet while
she "plays the über-homemaker, she isn't charming or warm. She's cold
and efficient and a little awkward. She's not marketing the warmth
and the comfort of the home, she's showing how it's like a business
or a machine. That's not so easy to like, and it makes her scarier,
to men especially."

Those are not good reasons to send someone to jail. But, more
broadly, why are insider trading and related transgressions often
treated more severely than defrauding retirees, lying to stockholders
or, more prosaically, running a dangerous workplace? The only obvious
victim of Martha's alleged crime is the public's perception of the
fairness of the stock market. The authorities would love to preserve
the illusion that everyone is equal, and that the rich and well
connected have no special advantage over the masses. But that's
absolute nonsense. Though people on the left often cheer the
prosecution of insider trading (which, remember, is something Stewart
isn't even accused of), there's nothing particularly progressive
about preserving the illusion of Wall Street's fairness. It is,
therefore, in the interests of both individual justice and political
clarity that Martha be found innocent.

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