Hi All,
Sabri says it well.  We would very much appreciate what you think is
important to say Michael.  I think the most exciting part of the program is
how pioneering it is.  There are many areas in disability where no one has
really said something in a left perspective before.  The amount of heat that
comes from all sides in the disabled community is an important sign about
how much hunger there is for substance in our community.  I hope you feel
welcomed by us to contribute how the left understands what is happening to
the working class.

Because I am currently subscribed so I don't receive email I can't reply
directly Michael Yates.  Rather than give the advertising spam bots more
reasons to send spam to me by publishing my address on the list could
someone do me a favor and send my email address to Michael Yates?  Michael
P?  Or tell me (Michael's email address) what I can do to communicate off
list with Michael Y.
Doyle Saylor

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