Please tell me how either Bush moved to the left to win a nomination and
then moved left again to win an election, ignoring for the moment, the
self-contradiction between your first paragraph "Bush was not elected," and
your description of how both Bush's won their elections.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Scott Gassler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
George W. Bush in the 2000 election."

George W. Bush was not elected in 2000. Gore was. Bush took the presidency
 using his family friends in the Supreme Court.
>> Both Bushes did the same thing on the right to get elected: they
> to be more right-wing than they really were, then moved to the left to get
> the nomination, and further to the left to win the election. That's the
> elections are won. Once in power however, Bush Jr moved back to his core
> constituency and is right-wing again. Kerry could do the same.

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