Car.os wrote:

As carrie Bradshaw must renounce tabagism
for romantic love's sake, and Xena renounce Gabrielle for the Greater
Good's, so Gibson's Christ must willingly embrace the most senseless
torture in order to redeem Mankind (remember, by the way, that there
were some very popular early heresies who, opposedly, made the Passion a
sham by proposing that what had been crucified was Christ's ghost, and
not the real Christ, as God cannot possibly suffer physical pain). It's
in this pedagogy of suffering, perhaps, that reside the most obnoxiously
reactionary traits of Mass Culture; as there is something akin in it to
the acceptance of Taylorism and Henry Ford's social experiments by the
working classes...

Oh, for sure. You nailed it.

My favorite part of xena was the Gabrielle stuff. As for SATC, the first
of seasons were OK, but you're so right about the stultifying happy
I mean "radical" solutions included 1) an interfaith marriage, 2) an
marriage, 3) an older woman/younger man "marriage", and 4) a cinderella
marriage. Marriage, marriage, marriage, marriage. Yawn.

As for the Christ blood gore. That's truly scary. Because essentially
what it says
is "if they could do this to god, what have you got to complain about? How
far will you go to prove your righteousness? How many of your children
will you sacrifice?"

This is bad, bad, bad. The horror before the horror.  I hate to think what
that might be.


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