You are really smart.


i realize that part of above is rhetorical flourish but...

re. pfp in 68: cleaver & doug dowd (bless his heart) were on ballot in
12-13-14 states, received about 75,000 votes nationwide, made no
difference in any state (which is what folks must focus on re. prez
elections given electoral college), other left candidates that year
included your guy swp fred halsted, slp, and liberal gene mcarthy (who
had independent ballot line in 6-7 states and received about 13,000

re. witch hunt: if reference is to truman (who as senator in 40 had said
on senate floor that us should back which ever side was winning between
soviets and nazis and then turn on winner), loyalty oaths and other
ferreting out of 'reds' precedes 48, in any event, wallace made no
difference in any state while strom thurmond actually won 4 southern
states (repeat after me: electoral college, electoral college)...

re. gp building gp: of course, which is why greens should have abandoned
nader after he failed to campaign in 96, poli sci people used to
contrast 'third' parties as 'idea'
parties and 'personality' parties, latter have no legs because they
serve as and are identified with individual campaigns...

re. learning from nader campaign: you surely don't mean 96 noncampaign,
as for 2000,
well, several possible lessons - don't rely on famous name, choose
candidate who is
not so boring, don't run prez candidates because money, time, effort
might be better spent elsewhere...

re. learning fuck-you to leftists who have failed: latter have certainly
failed (for lots of reasons, not all their doing), as for nader, dem
stupidity was failure to ignore his potential candidacy...

re. nader comparison to allende: borders on sacrilege (if one were
religious) for obvious reasons...   michael hoover

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