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10/03/04 - News and city section

By Ben Leapman, Evening Standard Political Reporter

The Government's chief scientist today set out an
"apocalyptic vision" of global warming bringing back
the conditions which drove the dinosaurs to

Professor Sir David King told a House of Lords
committee that urgent action was needed "within the
next few years" to avert the threat of sudden and
severe climate change.

He claimed that last summer's heatwave was a man-made
event and a warning sign of worse to come.

And he defied Downing Street by repeating his charges
that global warming is a bigger threat than terrorism,
and that Washington is failing to tackle the problem.

On a recent trip to America to talk about the threat
of global warming, Sir David was warned by Downing
Street to limit his contact with the media.

A memo from a No10 aide was leaked to a journalist in
Seattle, where the scientist was delivering a lecture.

Today, Sir David told the peers that the level of
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was probably the
highest it had been for 65 million years, since the
Palaeocene epoch when most dinosaurs became extinct.

He said the era saw a "massive reduction" in life on
earth and added: "The Antarctic was the best place to
be at that time. The rest of the world was virtually

He also delivered a thinly-veiled attack on President
George Bush by praising the effort which individual
American states were making to curb their carbon
dioxide emissions, in the absence of a ruling from

And he accused American oil giant Exxon of funding
lobbyists who are trying to undermine the consensus on
global warming by suggesting that scientists are
divided on the nature of the problem.

Sir David said: "This is the biggest issue for us to
face this century.

"It's man-made. The science is done. It's complete.
It's a matter of political understanding. I personally
have little doubt that unfortunately, as time moves
on, the global warming events such as the very high
temperatures in Europe over the past summer and the
flooding two years before will occur more frequently,
and the understanding of what's driving these will
become more apparent.

"And I think nations across the world will
understand... that action has to be taken."

In the past few centuries, carbon dioxide in the air
has risen from 270 to 370 parts per million and is
still on the increase, Sir David said.

He predicted that if the level reached 550 parts per
million, the polar ice caps would melt and the Gulf
Stream current would be reversed, plunging Europe into
a new ice age while the rest of the globe overheated.

To avoid that threat, he said, the level needed to be
stabilised at 450 parts per million.

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