Shakespeare wrote once that "all's fair in love and war". Associated Press
just now reports that in Tikrit, a roadside bomb killed two American
soldiers and wounded three this Saturday. They were the first casualties
suffered by a new US army regiment taking over security in Saddam Hussein's
hometown, as part of a troop rotation in Iraq pulling out 130,000 troops,
some of whom have been in Iraq since the March 2003 foreign invasion.

The bomb damaged the troops' armoured Humvee, as they patrolled through
downtown Tikrit at around 5 am, hours before the outgoing 4th Infantry
Division's 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment handed over security duties
from the 18th Infantry Regiment at a ceremony on Saturday. In the attack,
gunmen reportedly opened fire on the rear vehicle in the three-Humvee
patrol, then a bomb went off by the second Humvee.

A Bradley fighting vehicle sped to the scene, spraying the area with machine
gun fire. It is not known if any of the attackers sustained casualties.
Afterwards, platoons fanned out through Tikrit searching for evidence,
asking locals for information. Three wounded American soldiers were
evacuated to a military hospital north of Tikrit, said 1st Infantry Division
spokeswoman Major Debra Stewart.

Roadside bombs are now the main threat to American soldiers on patrol in the
Sunni Triangle. Saturday's deaths clocked the official death toll of
American service members to 560, when counted from the start of military
operations in Iraq.


Concerns have been expressed by the occupation forces, that insurgents might
in fact infiltrate official Iraqi security forces. American troops said
among other things, that they had discovered that four Iraqis and their
translator, suspected of killing two civilians, later turned out to be in
reality trained and active policemen.

The victims were:

(1) Ms. Fern Holland, 33 an Emma Peel-type lawyer from Oklahoma, who was
employed in civilian duty by the Department of Defense, and served as an
Iraqi interpreter. Ms. Holland grew up in Miami, Oklahoma and earned a law
degree from TU. She worked on women's issues in the Hillah region,
investigating human-rights violations, setting up conferences and centres,
and assisting in writing up the women's rights section of the new Iraqi
constitution. "I love the work, and if I die, know that I'm doing precisely
what I want to be doing," Ms. Holland wrote in an e-mail to a friend on
January 21 this year.

(2) Mr. Robert John Zangas, 44, a regional press officer married to Brenda
in suburban Pittsburgh, and previously a Lieutenant Colonel on active duty
as marine in Al Kut. He had returned to Iraq as CPA press officer. On April
26, 2003, Ali Baba looters in Al Kut had smashed and looted local radio and
broadcasting facilities. "When I saw the looting at the station, I felt
exasperated and dejected," Colonel Zangas said on duty at that time, "but I
wasn't surprised." As a salesman in his civilian career, he stated that
dealing with the angry crowd in Al Kut was "the hardest sales call I've ever
made. These people have been free for less than three weeks, and need to
learn to police themselves and each other. They shouldn't blame us [for the
looting], and should help us to help them."

Polish troops patrolling Hillah suggested that the identified police
officers had stopped a car containing Zangas and Holland at a checkpoint,
and subsequently shot them at point blank range. But occupation force
operations chief Major General Mark Kimmitt said, the real killers could
have been in a second car, that actually ran the occupation force staffers
off the road. Not since the construction of the Biblical Tower of Babel on a
hill surrounded by a military base have so many different languages been
spoken in Iraq.


"Who on earth doesn't remember the heady rush of adrenaline, the thumping
heart, the sweaty palms, the loss of reason, the thrashing about of unwieldy
emotions love brings. When we face "the one" helplessly, and with abandon,
when there are intimations of immortality and grandeur - when there seems to
be no other option but to allow us to cross continents, run on empty, and
float in a bubble that's not rooted in everyday reality. Broken marriages,
illicit affairs, overdoses, grand theatre, great art, timeless writing is
testimony to its power. Shakespeare says it even better in A Midsummer Night
's Dream than he does in Romeo and Juliet. Cupid aims his arrow and a
beautiful woman falls in love with a Jackass.

War is no different. Like the one against Iraq. The adrenaline of a man who
can with his little pinkie set hundreds of thousands of soldiers in motion,
flood a country with bombs and missiles, disregard the UN and buy up the
support of smaller countries. Then there are the trigger-happy,
testosterone-pumped soldiers, the intimations of grandeur in holding weapons
that can wipe out 20, 30 or a few thousand lives in seconds. (...)

All's fair in love and war until reality breaks in, and as the adrenaline
drains from us, we sit wide-eyed and astonished at the carnage around us.
What we need now is that clear voice of reality. With the dust of hate in
their eyes America is following the jackass of war. Their networks have
turned into a parody of reporting and propaganda machines. The families of
their felled boys are being told they died to save "freedom". Everyone's
following the jackass. The voices of reason are being ignored, dismissed.
(...) Mainstream American and British TV continue to advertise themselves as
"balanced" when their propaganda has achieved hallucinatory levels. (...)

While the American people will end up paying for the war, oil companies,
weapons manufacturers, arms dealers, and corporations involved in
"reconstruction" work will make direct gains from the war. Many of them are
old friends and former employers of the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Rice cabal.
(...) So all's fair in love and war then. But even those in the throes of
love and war madness must realise that one day the dust will clear, and
history will record how thousands died, because of those who blindly
followed the jackass."


I'm a soldier of freedom, in the army of man
We are the chosen, we're the partisan
The cause it is noble, and the cause it is just
We are ready to pay with our lives, if we must

Gonna ride across the river, deep and wide
Ride across the river, to the other side
I'm a soldier of fortune, I'm a dog of war
And we don't give a damn, who the killing is for
It's the same old story, with a different name
Death or glory, it's the killing game
Gonna ride across the river, deep and wide
Ride across the river, to the other side
Nothing gonna stop them as the day follows the night
Right becomes wrong, the left becomes the right
And they sing, as they march, with their flags unfurled
Today in the mountains, tomorrow the world
Gonna ride across the river, deep and wide
Ride across the river, to the other side

- Dire Straits, "Ride across the River"

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