March 15, 2004 -- In this issue:

Note from the Editor:

Now that the Deaniacs have officially taken a Kerryian outlook of the world, Howard Dean can call for the multinational removal of Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe on NBC's Meet The Press. Saddam Hussein's removal would have been okay too, had it been done through a multinational surgical action, and for "legitimate" reasons. In this light, Aristide's deposition from Haiti was kosher -- hey, weren't the French our allies this time around? Who's next? What about Hugo Chávez of Venezuela? He sure is a good candidate for multinational surgical excision. See, in spite of the country's fabulous oil wealth more than 70 percent of the population lives in poverty and the Chávez administration has directed the national oil company to increase its social spending from $40 million to $1.7 billion a year, thus transferring some of The Commons back to the commoners, away from the elite and the banks in Miami. Chávez's policies, a reversal of a long historical trend that has seen property rights and privatization become sacrosanct (see Milo Clark's article), are anathema in Western chancelleries. Ergo, Mr. Chávez, like Robert Mugabe or Fidel Castro, is branded a dictator, an enemy of freedom and democracy, a tyrant governing through corruption and violence. Unilateralists or multilateralists, same combat! Actually, Gerard Donnelly Smith provides a good example of what private enterprise can do for you; and both Manuel García and Phil Rockstroh look into the potential -- or probable -- consequences if the neo-liberal order continues unabated.

Injustice and exploitation are much on Eli Beckerman's mind, as well as an insatiable thirst for alternatives, as he ponders the significance of Martin Luther King's slaying some 36 years ago. Certainly, submits Scott Orlovsky, replacing our black and white world with liberty and fraternity, taking profits out of the equation, would serve the greater needs of The Commons. But, here again, so long as the neo-liberal order carries on unabated...

Mr. Bush, instead of sending personalized pictures to Charter Members of his campaign (seriously, look at the picture and the letter in "Err, Mr. Bush, What Went Wrong?" -- they are hilarious!), and Mr. Kerry would be well-advised to listen to Frank Wycoff and the kind of messages he would like to hear from them or any other president. He has a few concrete ideas, for instance saving on the White House rental to help the homeless. Michael Stowell, who relates some of his latest experience with homelessness and observations on how to turn people inside out, would undoubtedly agree. But will the "Good Americans" do what's necessary to overcome the interrelated conditions that keep them down? For Philip Greenspan, a young 77 years old, an unrepentant optimist and unrelenting activist, nothing's impossible! It's incumbent upon all of us to prove him right. Take the time to visit the International ANSWER coalition regarding information about the March 20 demonstrations around the U.S.

We end with another poem by Gerard Donnelly Smith and the repost of an excerpt of Diana Johnstone's Fools' Crusade.

As always, please form your OWN opinion, and let your friends (and foes) know about Swans.


Here are the links to all the articles: Privatization: A Platform Issue by Milo Clark Environmental Contamination and Genocide: Tar Creek Superfund Site - by Gerard Donnelly Smith Oil, Population And Global Warming by Manuel Garcia, Jr. Global Warming: The Passion Of The Snow Globe of Doom by Phil Rockstroh The Power Of The People Don't Stop by Eli Beckerman Liberty vs. Fraternity by Scott Orlovsky Err, Mr. Bush, What Went Wrong? by Gilles d'Aymery Jobs And Janet Jackson by Frank Wycoff Inside Out - by Michael W. Stowell The Good Germans (Nazi Era) And The Good Americans (Today) by Philip Greenspan "Fools' Crusade" - Book Excerpt by Diana Johnstone Lies, Lies, Always Lies - Poem by Gerard Donnelly Smith


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Gilles d'Aymery -- Swans

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