
> I have a genuine interest in the issue, want to
> know more about it, and have no ax to grind. I
> think it was good of Juriann Bendian to raise it,
> and bad for Sabri to curtly dismiss his effort as
> a "bad essay" without any explanation
> except "derivative are dangerous" (indeed) and to
> invite me to kiss his sweet cheeks for pursuing
> the thread.

Dear Marvin,

We Turks kiss each other, male or female, on the
cheeks. There is nothing bad about that. It is a show
of sincerety and love.

Of course, it is unsual for you westerners who forgot
the closeness touching one another brings out but I
don't blame you. It is just sad that you don't know
how to touch and kiss each other except when you have

Maybe because, you like contracts more, who knows?

Also, as our Sufi's say, you cannot fill a glass
beyond its volume.

What can I do if you are shallow?

I cannot help you beyond your ability to receive help.



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