Hey PEN-L:

I think the students' demo against fee increases was the largest protest at
the state Capitol since the anti-war rallies last spring.

Seth Sandronsky

Community college students march to protest planned fee hikes By Lesli A. Maxwell -- Bee Staff Writer Published 3:46 p.m. PST Monday, March 15, 2004 Get weekday updates of Sacramento Bee headlines and breaking news. Sign up here.

Community college students from across California marched by the thousands
to the state Capitol on Monday to denounce Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger -- the
most celebrated alumni of the state's two-year schools -- and his bid to
raise their fees.
Students decked out in anti-Arnold T-shirts and toting signs staged a
boisterous two-mile march from Raley Field in West Sacramento to the west
steps of the Capitol, and rallied for more than two hours in the midday sun.
They were undeterred in their noisy cries for Schwarzenegger to come address
the crowd, despite knowing the celebrity governor was conducting business in
Los Angeles and would not see them.
"It feels like betrayal by one of our own," said Patrick Tuminaro, a
26-year-old student at Antelope Valley College who voted for Schwarzenegger
and worked on his campaign to oust Gray Davis. "He should understand that
the average community college student is struggling to pay the fees now.
"Many of us voted for him, but we are not happy with him now."
Schwarzenegger, an immigrant from Austria, attended Santa Monica College and
often credits his education there as crucial to his success as a
bodybuilder, movie star and politician. The governor -- who must solve
California's continuing budget crisis -- is asking lawmakers to raise fees
for community colleges to $26 per unit from $18, a 44 percent increase.

full: http://www.sacbee.com/content/news/story/8529091p-9457792c.html

Seth Sandronsky

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